
zonule n.【解剖學】小帶。zonular adj.


In routine extracapsular cataract extraction ( ecce ) , we occasionally may encounter a condition that the zonule around 12 o ' clock direction disrupted with prolapse of a small porion of vitreous during the nucleus being milked out and not delivered yet 作者利用動物模式提出在囊外白內障手術中,晶體核擠出時,因輪部切口較小,以至尚未擠出晶體核,即發生十二點鐘方向品體?帶斷裂合并部分玻璃體膨出的情況下,如何在盡量減少玻璃體進一步傷害下順利擠出晶體核,并植入后房人工水晶體。

Razor barbed wire is the upgrade product of barbed tape , it is more and more popular by its widely usage in top grade zonule . prison . mine , warehouse 產品廣泛適用于住宅小區私人別墅的門窗高速公路鐵路護攔重要倉庫監獄邊防軍事重地等需要封鎖圍禁場所。

Razor barbed wire is the upgrade product of barbed tape , it is more and more popular by its widely usage in top grade zonule 真誠希望以貴公司為載體,把本產品推向新的國際市場.我們將以高質量低價位的產品期待與您合作,共同發展。