
zimmern n.齊默恩〔姓氏〕。


Dr thomas chen , mr chung kin kwok , dr fong yun wah , the hon patrick lau , professor lee kin hung , dr james tak wu , mrs helen zimmern , dr the hon david k p li , pro - chancellor of the university of hong kong , professor lap - chee tsui , the vice - chancellor of the university of hong kong , all pro - vice - chancellors and all deans at the ceremony . dr clyde wu is unable to attend the ceremony today 陳曾燾博士鍾健國先生方潤華博士劉秀成議員李健鴻教授伍沾德博士施玉榮夫人港大副校監李國寶博士港大校長徐立之教授各副校長及各院長合照胡應洲醫生未能出席今天典禮

From left : the hon patrick lau , mr chung kin kwok , dr thomas chen , dr the hon david k p li , pro - chancellor of the university of hong kong , professor lap - chee tsui , the vice - chancellor of the university of hong kong , mrs helen zimmern , dr fong yun wah , dr james tak wu and professor lee kin hung . dr clyde wu is unable to attend the ceremony today 左起:劉秀成議員鍾健國先生陳曾燾博士港大副校監李國寶博士港大校長徐立之教授施玉榮夫人方潤華博士伍沾德博士及李健鴻教授胡應洲醫生未能出席今天典禮

Picture 8 : mrs helen zimmern 圖八:施玉榮夫人