
ziggurat n.亞述古廟塔〔古時亞述人和巴比倫人所筑的廟塔〕。


To simulate the preparation of the secret - key , a gaussian random number generator in fpga is designed , which based on the analysis of ziggurat algorithm 為了模擬密鑰的制備,在分析ziggurat算法的基礎上完成了高斯隨機數發生器的fpga實現。

The landmark about which they flew heeled was the ziggurat of ur , a 4100year - old temple of baked mud bricks that rises 170ft from the desert 它們繞著飛行的界標便是烏爾金字形神塔,一座年前由燒制的土磚砌成的廟,高英尺,聳立在這片沙漠上。

The massive citadels of indus cities that protected the harappans from floods and attackers were larger than most mesopotamian ziggurats 印度城市厚重的大本營保護著哈拉帕免受洪水和攻擊者的傷害,比美索不達米亞最大的金字形神塔還要大。