
zev ZEV = zero-emission vehicle ...


Pure electric vehicle ( pev ) whose energy source is power battery loaded on the vehicle is a kind of zero emission vehicle ( zev ) 純電動汽車是由車載動力電池作為能量源的零排放汽車,其動力電池組儲存的電能將直接影響著電動汽車的續駛里程。

Carb now , it seemed , had the facts required to force gm to produce the ev1 , and to force other car makers to follow with other zev 現在看來, carb需要迫使通用汽車生產ev1 ,并迫使其他汽車廠商以其他形式的zev跟進。

If the epa chose not to enforce the caa , then california would be off the hook , and could drop the zev mandate 如果環保局選擇不執行聯邦清潔空氣法( “ caa “ ) ,那么加州將擺脫困境,并可能放棄zev “強制要求“ 。

A letter writing campaign , bused - in retirees , focus groups , and other tricks were used to try to derail the zev mandate 一場給退休人員、關鍵團體發信的信件風暴,以及其他花招被用來試圖破壞zev “強制要求“ 。

Zev zero emissions vehicle 零排放車輛

This proved fatal to the zev mandate 事后證明,這對zev “強制要求“是致命的。