
zest n.1.(酒里的)風味,香味;富于刺激性的作料,香料。2...


And when he had gone , she would return to her books with a keener zest and fresh store of energy 他離開之后她再回到書本,鉆研起來便更加精力旺盛朝氣蓬勃。

She declared that she could stand it , and her zest and willingness seemed to win him over 她鄭重地說自己受得了,她說得很熱情很樂意,似乎贏得了他的信任。

Let ' s awaken tomorrow with all our zest and zeal by embracing and creating life 擁抱生活,創造生活,把握住每一個今天,讓我們用全部的熱忱,去喚醒明天。

These include citrus zest , apricot and tangerine with hints of pawpaw , guava and tobacco 會讓人感覺到嘴里充滿柑橘,杏仁,番木瓜,番石榴還有煙草的氣息。

He wondered a little that she did not enter into these frivolities with his own zest 但是他心里有些納悶,不知道為什么她對他的嬉鬧缺乏熱情。

Masses of citrus zest on the nose with gooseberry , peach and passionfruit hints 大量的柑橘類香味,隱約中又透露著醋栗、桃子和百香果的香氣。

Flavours of lemon zest and pear balanced by refreshing , crisp acid and a long , lifted finish 尾韻綿長,檸檬與水梨的風味清新,酸度平衡。

Never had he read fiction with so keen zest as he studied these books 過去他讀小說從不曾像現在讀這類書這么興致勃勃,津津有味。

Fascinating thai ads continued to rock this years ap adfest with bizarre humour and zest 黃頁的英雄救美故事,堪稱好戲在后頭。

For women as for men zest is the secret of happiness and well - being 熱情是快樂、幸福的秘方,對男人是如此,對女人也是如此。

Selected japanese zest such as curry beef buns , red bean buns , etc 由東瀛傳入之口味,如特色咖哩包、紅豆包等實為時尚之選。

Perhaps paris ' allure lies in the zest and style of the parisians 或許巴黎的誘惑力在于巴黎人的特殊品味和風格。

The danger of being caught gave a certain zest to the affair 這事兒有被發現的危險,但這倒給予它一定的趣味。

A winner has a zest for life 成功者對人生充滿了熱忱。

Humor gave zest to his speech 幽默使他的演說妙趣橫生。

“ z “ is for zest in life , in whatever you set out to do 代表對生活的熱情,對你所做的一切事物充滿熱情。

The setback did not damp his zest 挫折沒有澆熄他的熱情。

He entered into the plan with zest 他熱心地參加這一計劃。

A winner has a zest for life 成功者要對生活有極大的熱情。