
zenith n.1.【天文學】天頂 (opp. nadir)。2.頂...

zenith distance

It was the period when the young speransky was at the zenith of his fame and his reforms were being carried out with the utmost vigour 時值年輕的斯佩蘭斯基的聲譽已臻達頂峰,他正如火如荼地實行社會變革。

There are not only beam - slanting but also large blind zone near the zenith in the two - axes radar used in the present 現有的艦載兩軸雷達由于受到船搖的影響,不僅波束傾斜,而且天頂附近有很大的跟蹤盲區。

It was here that buddhist culture blossomed and reached its zenith under the kushans in the form of 這里是,佛教文化進展和到達了它的天頂在kushans之下以gandhara文明的形式在白沙瓦和taxila雙胞胎城市。

While the fighting at cassino was at its zenith , on january 30 , the vith corps at anzio made its first attack in strength 當卡西諾的戰役正在高潮時, 1月30日,在安齊奧的第六軍初次進行了猛烈的進攻。

With the attainment of maturity and at the zenith of biological existence , life ' s drive towards a goal in no wise halts 隨著生命達到圓熟及生物存在的峰頂,人生追求的目標的欲念卻絲毫未曾稍減。

The accuracy can reach to several millimeters in the crustal movement observation and the determination of zenith delay 其中, gps應用于地殼運動監測和天頂延遲測定均已達到毫米級的精度。

They reached zenith at about three o “ clock in the morning and went immediately to the home of the telegraph operator 凌晨3點鐘左右,他們到達了澤尼斯,并立即趕到了報務員的家里。

Manichaeism , second to buddhism , was at the zenith of its influence in china , after 70 - odd years ' development 經過70余年的發展,摩尼教在中國的勢力達到頂峰,僅次于佛教。

For this reason , the sky is least bright with respect to the zenith and is very bright in the direction of the horizon 因此,天頂顯得較暗,而近水平線的方向卻十分光亮。

The zenith of her frustration being a moment of total helplessness on an ice - capped new zealand mountain 她困惱的最頂點出現在一個覆蓋著冰雪的紐西蘭山上一時的無力感。

Within the church , it had hardly been kept down ; beneath the sky , it pealed upward to the zenith 在教堂里的時候,這種沖動已經難以遏制如今到了露天,便扶搖直沖云霄。

A point on the celestial sphere directly below the observer , diametrically opposite the zenith 天底天球上,在觀測者垂直向下的一點,與天頂完全相對

The worst case scenario assumes that the sun is at the zenith in a clear sky ( air mass of 1 ) 陽光最猛烈的情況,是在清朗的天氣下,太陽位于天頂

Last month , domestic gold prices move up to the zenith of 145 yuan ( us $ 17 . 9 ) per gram 上月,國內黃金價格上升到每克145元( 17 . 9美元)的高峰。

. . . from its humble beginnings in the 1 950s to its zenith in popularity in the 1 960s … …從五十年代的艱難起步一直發展到六十年代的頂峰。

From its humble beginnings in the 1 950s to its zenith in popularity in the 1 960s 從五十年代的艱難起步一直發展到六十年代的頂峰。

The highest point in the sky reached by the sun or another celestial body ; a zenith 天頂太陽或別的天體在天空中所達到的最高點;天頂

An unvaried pall of cloud muffled the whole expanse of sky from zenith to horizon 一望無際的云幕蒙住了從天頂到地乎線的整個夜空。

Zenith hour rate 天頂每小時數目