
zealous adj.熱心的,熱誠的。 be zealous in o...


1 cor . 14 : 12 so also you , since you are zealous of spirits , seek that you may excel for the building up of the church 林前十四12你們也是如此,既渴慕靈,就要為著召會的建造,尋求得以超越。

Gal . 4 : 17 they are zealous of you , but not rightly ; but they desire to shut you out that you may be zealous of them 加四17那些人熱心待你們,不是好意,乃是要離間你們,叫你們熱心待他們。

It is fine to be zealous , provided the purpose is good , and to be so always and not just when i am with you 18在善事上、常用熱心待人、原是好的、卻不單我與你們同在的時候才這樣。

Believe me , miss pross , i don t approach the topic with you , out of curiosity , but out of zealous interest 相信我,普洛絲小姐,我跟你談這事不是出于好奇,而是由于強烈的關心。 ”

Gal . 4 : 18 but it is always good to be zealous in a good thing , and not only when i am present with you 加四18在善事上,常常熱心待人,原是好的,卻不單我與你們同在的時候才這樣。

And here , too , was a young man , the youngest son of a stern and zealous divine of the old school 這里也有一個年輕人,他名叫安吉爾?克萊,是一位嚴厲而熱情的守舊派牧師的小兒子。

Bald , most zealous by the door he gave his large ear all to the attendant s words : heard them : and was gone 歇頂的他,在門旁聳起那雙大耳朵,傾聽著工役的每一句話,然后就走了。

So also you , since you are zealous of spiritual gifts , seek to abound for the edification of the church 林前14 : 12你們也是如此既是切慕屬靈的恩賜、就當求多得造就教會的恩賜。

In the future year , we as always , wholeheartedly will provide the high quality zealous service for thecustomer 在未來的歲月里,我們將一如既往,竭誠為客戶提供優質熱忱的服務。

Hundred collects the trade limited company also zealous welcome general merchants to come to discuss and the instruction 百匯貿易有限公司也熱忱歡迎廣大客商前來洽談及指導。

Hundred collects the trade limited company also zealous welcome general merchants to come to discuss and the instruction 步樂貿易有限公司也熱忱歡迎廣大客商前來洽談及指導。

Hundred collects the trade limited company also zealous welcome general merchants to come to discuss and the instruction 億豪貿易有限公司也熱忱歡迎廣大客商前來洽談及指導。

They are zealous of you , but not rightly ; but they desire to shut you out that you may be zealous of them 17那些人熱心待你們,不是好意,乃是要離間你們,叫你們熱心待他們。

The zealous participation of shum shui po district elders in 2001 made the course a great success 2001年度的長者電腦證書課程得到深水步區長者踴躍參與,現已完滿結束。

Edward heath , zealous for his european relationship , was increasingly absorbed by domestic crisis 熱衷于同歐洲各國搞好關系的愛德華?希斯也被國內危機搞得越來越無暇他顧。

So also you , since you are zealous of spirits , seek that you may excel for the building up of the church 12你們也是如此,既渴慕靈,就要為著召會的建造,尋求得以超越。

And she was in charge of the dress code so she was very enthusiastic and zealous about enforcing it 這位女士專門負責員工的服裝紀律,她非常認真熱忱地執行這項工作。

Often a convert is zealous not through piety , but because of the novelty of his experience 改變信仰者之所以常常顯得熱情,并非出自虔誠,而是由于他的體驗新鮮之故。

But it is always good to be zealous in a good thing , and not only when i am present with you 18在善事上,常常熱心待人,原是好的,卻不單我與你們同在的時候才這樣。