
zeal n.熱心,熱誠,熱情;奮發,奮起 (for)。 feel...


Z is for zeal . zeal without konwledge is sister of folly 代表“熱情” 。滿目的熱情是愚蠢的姐妹。

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Welcome the patronage and instruction of each client with our zeal 熱忱歡迎各客商惠顧和指導。

Zeal without knowledge is the sister of folly 無知的熱情近乎愚蠢

Zeal without knowledge is a runaway horse 熱情而無知,猶如脫韁馬

Zeal without knowledge is sister of folly 盲目的熱情是愚蠢的姐妹

Zeal without knowledge is sister of folly 無知的熱情是愚蠢的姐妹。

Zeal without knowledge is the sister of folly 無知的熱情近乎愚蠢。

They showed untiring zeal in the pursuit of truth 他們懷著滿腔熱情孜孜不倦地追求著真理。

Boys worked with zeal at learning to drive a car 男孩子們在學習開車方面進行的極為積極。

Zeal without knowledge is a runaway horse 缺乏知識之熱誠猶如脫韁之馬。

The zeal of the lord almighty will accomplish this 萬軍之耶和華的16熱心,必成就這事。

Zeal without knowledge is a fire without light 熱情而無知,猶如無光之火

Zeal without knowledge is a runaway horse 沒有知識的熱情,猶如脫韁之馬。

Zeal without knowledge is the sister of folly 諺無知的熱情近乎愚蠢。

Our tenet is specialization , zeal and high efficiency 我們的原則是專業、熱情和高效。

Zeal without knowledge is a runaway horse 熱心有馀,知識不足。志大才疏猶如脫?之馬。

The zeal of the lord of hosts will accomplish this 萬軍之耶和華的熱心、必成就這事。

The zeal of jehovah of hosts will accomplish this 萬軍之耶和華的熱心,必成就這事。