
zazen n.〔漢語〕(佛教禪宗派的)坐禪。


I have searched , i have tried , i have done zazen , i have done zen zen , i have done yoga , and i have done all kinds of things . i have even eaten one meal a day , and have sat many hours with my eyes open in case i fell asleep , and done all kinds of trying 我付出金錢和時間到處尋找開悟的法門或明師,尋尋覓覓,嘗試過許多方法,像是禪坐瑜珈,甚至一天一餐,還曾睜開眼睛打坐好幾個小時,怕自己睡著。

A monk asked koyo seijo , “ daitsu chisho buddha sat in zazen for ten kalpas and could not attain buddhahood . he did not become a buddha . how could this be ? 興陽讓和尚、因僧問、大通智勝佛、十劫坐道場、佛法不現前、不得成佛道時如何。