
zap vt.(zapped; zapping) 〔美俚〕1.(...

zap pit

The trillions of dollars zapping through the markets are usually moved electronically , allowing traders to hedge investments in everything from shifts in the currency to turns in the weather 萬億美元以電子數據的形式在這個市場快速地流進流出,使得交易商能夠規避種種投資風險,無論風險是由幣值升降,或是天氣變化引起的。

The researchers used an off - the - shelf microwae oen to zap the sponges and scrub pads for arying lengths of time , wringing them out and determining the microbial load of the water for each test 在不同的時間段中,究者們使用遠離架子的微波爐來加熱海綿和洗滌墊,然后然后將它們浸濕,并且決定每次試驗中廢水的載菌量。

Instead of prescribing chemotherapies according to a doctor ' s best guess , they propose a genetic analysis to predict which type of chemotherapy would stand the greatest chance of zapping cancerous cells 并不依賴于臨床醫生自己的臆斷,而是通過分析患者的基因型來作出哪種化學制劑最有效地殺傷腫瘤細胞的推測。

The trillions of dollars zapping through the markets are usually moved electronically , allowing traders to hedge investments in everything from shifts in the currency to turns in the weather 快速流動于市場的萬億美元流動如電子般迅速,這使得貿易商可以在如同波折的天氣似的貨幣轉移市場中進行遠期買賣投資。

In one woman , for example , a zap to a brain region called the angular gyrus resulted in a sensation that she was hanging from the ceiling , looking down at her body 例如,對于那名女性而言,將意識傳送給大腦區域稱作角度腦回,最終產生一種感覺,使她感到自己吊在天花板上,看著自己的身體。

In one woman , for example , a zap to a brain region called the angular gyrus resulted in a sensation that she was hanging from the ceiling , looking down at her body 例如,在一名婦女的身上,對一塊被稱為角回的腦區域施以電擊會產生一種感覺:她正吊在天花板上,俯視自己的身體。

If someone prayed for their family to be closer , you think god zaps them with warm , fuzzy feelings , or does he give them opportunities to love each other ? 如果又有人祈禱自己的家人關系更加親密,你想,上帝是扔點貌似溫存的感覺給她呢,還是賜予她一個和家人彼此相愛的機會? ”

In one woman , for example , a zap to a brain region called the angular gyrus resulted in a sensation that she was hanging from the ceiling , looking down at her body 例如,向一女子大腦里腦回的部位發送能量,從而導致她感覺自己懸浮在天花板上,從上往下看著自己的身體。

In one woman , for example , a zap to a brain region called the angular gyrus resulted in a sensation that she was hanging from the ceiling , looking down at her body 例如,一個婦女,在她的大腦區域有一種叫角腦回物質,可以讓她感覺自己掛在天花板上,俯視自己的肉體。

In one woman , for example , a zap to a brain region called the angular gyrus resulted in a sensation that she was hanging from the ceiling , looking down at her body 例如,有一名婦女,其角回區域的興奮導致這樣的感受:她懸吊在天花板上,俯視自己的身體。

When a top secret department of defense experimental laser - armed robot named number five gets zapped by a lightening bolt , he malfunctions and starts spouting peace slogans 國防部頂級機密激光武器機器人5號遭到了雷擊,他發生故障、開始喊出和平口號。

The story of an unusual little girl who has magical powers . when someone makes her angry , she zaps a punishment on them with her magic flashing finger 故事講述一位有魔法的小女孩,當別人將她激怒時,但便會用她那能發出火花的魔法手指來懲罰他們。

Some monsters can zap people s energy or vital life force . the greater our yang energy , the more hungry the yin monsters are for our vital life energy 有一些魔可以吸人家的元氣,我們愈有陽氣,那些陰魔越喜歡吸,有時候被吸太多我們也會昏倒。

The zap in a freshly dried sock contains an enormous number of photons , but there are more delicate experiments where single photons are evident 剛晾干的襪子上就包含了大量的光子,但如果要檢測單個的光子,就需要更精細的實驗了。

We ' re going down . ouch ! fire ! burning ! hot . hot , hot . hot . prepare for grievous bodily harm ! warn me next time you zap 我們要墜機了。哎呀,著火了!燒起來了。好燙,好燙,好燙,好燙。當心重傷!下次你施法術之前記得提醒我。

When they hit the atmosphere they create showers of daughter particles that zap mountaineers and people in aeroplanes 當它們撞擊到大氣層時,它們就會制造出一陣繼承元素粒子風暴,這陣風暴就會打擊登山運動員與跳傘員。

The alternative ? pumping up the power ? would zap people with rather too much electromagnetic radiation to be entirely safe 另一種方法是增加電壓,不過這種方法并不安全,所產生的電磁場輻射過強,容易傷人。

Then they zap the results with a stream of particles from the laboratory ' s elderly proton synchrotron 等一起就緒,他們便用實驗室里的老式質子加速器產生某種粒子流,轟擊云室中的大氣層。

Silicon wafers are zapped with ions , which form tiny islands with either an excess or a dearth of electrons 矽晶圓用離子轟擊,而在其上形成微小的島,各自具有過量或是不足的電子。