
youngers 年幼的人們;孩子們。


Eleven graders saw acceleration as fairer than the youngers and waiting as less fair . ( 2 ) content analysis of students “ justifications showed that fairness meant different things at different ages 不同年級的學生對加速和等待兩種教學調節策略的公平知覺存在差異,高中二年級學生與低年級學生相比認為加速更加公平,而等待更加不公平。

During the research , i find that in modern society , especially after we join into the wto , western ideology effects a change on chinese youngers , mainly expressed by the pursuit of material enjoyment 從而改進德育做一點嘗試。在論文前期的調查中我發現,我們搞的許多活動,學生并不感興趣,大多數活動達不到理想的效果。

The “ youngers “ or “ youngas “ tend to be aged from 13 to 16 and aspire to “ graduate “ to the hierarchy of their gang 而“年輕人”或者“小弟”則趨于13到16歲之間,并且渴望能成為團伙領導層的一分子。

The “ youngers “ or “ youngas “ tend to be aged from 13 to 16 and aspire to “ graduate “ to the hierarchy of their gang 而“年輕人”一般13到16歲,他們渴望可以在幫會的等級上得到提升。

These youngers use their most chaming faces showing the best spiritual characteristics of the whole chinese civilizations 展示了北京以及整個中華民族良好的精神風貌。

Do the youngers ( between 18 - 21 years old ) live with their parents now ? what about your opinion 現在的年輕人( 18 - 21歲)還和父母一起住嗎?你是怎么想得?

Whatever the purpose of ad , it should not give bad effect to youngers 不管出于什么目的,都不應該對青少年造成不良的影響。

Okay , you fine youngers , let ' s all sing the silent hill song 好吧,你們這些優秀的年輕人,我們來一起唱寂靜嶺之歌吧!

On the moral character education of youngers 淺談青少年品德教育