
yolk n.1.蛋黃,卵黃。2.羊毛油脂。3.【生物學】(胚囊內...

yolk bag

From then on , they became similar . in the end , the yolk litres exceeded 總體看來a雞抗體含量增高的趨勢優于b雞。

Whisk egg yolks in another bowl , add in melted butter and sieved flour 將蛋黃打起,才加入牛油溶液及已篩面粉。

50g ham slices 50g egg yolk slices 蛋皮片各50克

Whisk egg yolk and 80 gm of sugar till thick and creamy consistency 將100克蛋黃與80克砂糖打發成濃稠狀蛋黃糊。

Stir in sugar and egg yolk to form a dough , chill for 15 mintues 拌入糖和蛋黃揉成光滑的面團,放入冰箱15分鐘。

Beat up the yolks of three eggs 把三個蛋黃攪勻

High purity phospholipids extraction from egg yolk using ethanol and sc - co 2相結合提取高純度卵黃磷脂的研究

Add an egg - yolk to the flour and fat to make it bind / to bind the mixture 在面粉和油脂中加入蛋黃使之凝結

1all values are percent of dha in total fatty acids of egg yolk 數據以dha占蛋黃中總脂肪酸百分比表示之。

Debby : it has flour and egg yolk 戴比:有面粉和蛋黃。

Beat up the yolks of three eggs 蛋黃是雞蛋中的黃色部分

A pigment mixed with water and a gelatinous material , esp . egg yolk 調入水、蛋黃卵磷脂等膠狀物的顏料。

Put the yolk into the taro dough , wrap it with the yolk liquid 芋團包上蛋黃,搓圓,沾上蛋液后裹3料。

Divide the dough into 30 pieces and salty yolk , also 30 pieces 芋團分成三十份,咸蛋黃亦切成三十份。

A red eye is red beer with an egg yolk floating on the surface 雞尾酒紅眼睛需要在表面上加一個蛋黃。

All values are percent dha in total fatty acids of egg yolk 數據以dha占蛋黃中總脂肪酸百分比表示之。

Brush the top with beatened egg yolk 在表面擠入山核桃碎。

All values are percent epa in total fatty acids of egg yolk 數據以epa ?蛋黃中總脂肪酸百分比表示之。

Red eye is red beer with an egg yolk floating on the surface 雞尾酒紅眼睛需要在表面上加一個蛋黃。