
yokohama n.橫濱〔日本港市〕。


Five liaison offices in geneva , washington d . c . , new york , brussels and yokohama ; and 駐日內瓦、華盛頓、紐約、布魯塞爾和橫濱五個聯絡處;

In the same stadium , yokohama , he also won the toyota cup with real madrid 在橫濱的這同一個體育場,他還和皇家馬德里隊一起奪得豐田杯的冠軍。

Take route 15 ( daiichi keihin ) route 1 ( daini keihin ) toward yokohama area 15號國道(第1京濱) 、 1號國道(第2京濱)等線亦前往橫濱方面。

We offer firm fob yokohama for your telegraphic reply here by monday our time 此為f 。 o 。 b 。橫濱實盤,有效期為本地時間星期一收到回電。

Investigation and study on urbanite consumption action of vegetable in shanghai and yokohama 橫濱兩地市民蔬菜消費行為方法式調查分析

Bank of yokohama 橫濱銀行日本

As regard our stand , we refer you to the yokohama bank , ltd . , singapore branch 有關我司的資信,請徑向橫濱銀行新加坡分行查詢。

Mark holds a master of businessadministration from the yokohama national university , japan 日本橫濱國立大學工商管理學碩士。

Fifty - nine nations are members of the organization which is based in yokohama , japan 59國組織的會員國,總部設在日本橫濱。

It puts in at yokohama and nagasaki , but it starts from shanghai 它是從上海出發的,橫濱和長崎只是兩個中途停靠的港口。 ”

Yokohama specie bank , ltd 橫濱正金銀行

Yokohama asia limited 橫濱亞洲有限公司

Yokohama shiden hozon - kan 橫濱市電保存館

Yokohama station east exit 橫濱車站東口

Yokohama national university 橫濱國立大學

Yokohama sta . east exit , jr 橫濱站東口, jr

Yokohama new transit co . , ltd 橫濱新都市交通

Map schedule departure from yokohama station yokohama station east exit , 公車站地圖時刻表橫濱車站東口公車站地圖

Tokyo - yokohama - hakone - mt . fuji - isawa - nara - kyoto - osaka 東京鐮倉箱根大涌谷富士山白絲瀑布奈良京都大阪