
yokel n.莊稼漢,鄉下佬。

yokel colour

Two deeds are rank in that ghost s mind : a broken vow and the dullbrained yokel on whom her favour has declined , deceased husband s brother 336鬼魂337滿腦子都是那兩檔子事:誓盟被破壞了,她移情于那個遲鈍的鄉巴佬亡夫的兄弟身上。

The posters brought in the yokels from fifty miles around every whistle - stop we played 那些廣告把我們演出所在的每一個小鎮周圍50英里內的鄉下佬都引來了。

At school , his classmates regarded him as a yokel and laughed at his rustic mannerisms 在學校他的同學認為他是鄉下佬并嘲笑他的鄉村的怪習慣。

These yokels are really getting to you 這些鄉巴佬改變了你

But george bailey is not a common , ordinary yokel 可是,喬治?貝利不是一個普通的粗人。

Come on , give these yokels a shot in the ass 加油,給那鄉巴佬屁股上來一拳