
yoghurt n.〔Turk.〕酸乳酪,酸乳餅。


Snacks to choose more of : high - fibre biscuits , dried fruit without added sugar , fresh fruit , plain yoghurt without added sugar , and low - fat or skimmed milk 宜多選擇的小食:高纖餅乾無附加糖的乾果新鮮水果無附加糖的純味乳酪低脂或脫脂牛奶。

Japanese researchers found eating the yoghurt reduced levels of hydrogen sulphide - a major cause of bad breath - in 80 % of printed bag ( paris ) 倭國研究者們發現多喝酸奶可以減少80 %的受試者體內的硫化氫含量,而硫化氫是口腔異味的主要誘因。

Japanese researchers found eating the yoghurt reduced levels of hydrogen sulphide - a major cause of bad breath - in 80 % of printed bag ( paris ) 日本研究者們發現多喝酸奶可以減少80 %的受試者體內的硫化氫含量,而硫化氫是口腔異味的主要誘因。

Form a human pyramid and aim to break the pot of yoghurt without it collapsing . take the challenge and see if you can get past the 4 rigorous levels 爬上人搭的金字塔頂端,去摘取掛在頂端的那個罐子,要小心不要把下面的人給壓扁了哦。

Japanese researchers found eating the yoghurt reduced levels of hydrogen sulphide - a major cause of bad breath - in 80 % of volunteers 日本研究者們發現多喝酸奶可以減少80 %的受試者體內的硫化氫含量,而硫化氫是口腔異味的主要誘因。

And low - fat yoghurt . these activities can be enjoyed during weekdays , too , so you can also fit them in around business meetings 尖沙咀中環灣仔及銅鑼灣等地,所以,你大可在商務會議期間,抽空參加這些活動。

Good energy providers include fruit , toast , wholemeal cereal such as weetabix or porridge , muesli or yoghurt and honey 生果、土司、全麥片,例如維他麥或麥片粥、堅果、酸乳酪及蜜糖等食物都可以提供充份能量

Study on the gowth relation between str . thermophilus and l . bulgaricus in yoghurt starter culture by the microcalorimetric method 酸奶發酵劑中嗜熱鏈球菌與保加利亞乳桿菌生長關系的微量量熱法研究

Those walking manhattan ' s streets in search of a late - night fix of frozen yoghurt may soon have more options 或許不久后,那些行走在曼哈頓大街上的人,深夜尋找冷凍酸奶時,將會有更多去處。

Natural yoghurt beats bad breath sugarless yoghurt could help beat bad breath , tooth decay and gum disease , say scientists 科學家們發現,無糖酸奶有助于減輕口腔異味、蛀牙和牙齦疾病。

With yo - flex ? no stabilizers are necessary , which gives the yoghurt an all natural profile desirable to many consumers 使用該產品就可以避免添加穩定劑,從而生產出受歡迎的純天然酸奶。

Cow ' s milk may be included from about seven months in small amounts as custard or yoghurt or on cereal 牛奶包含更高的水平蛋白質,鹽,鉀和鈣比乳奶或慣例。這可能增加裝載在腎臟。

Sugarless yoghurt could help beat bad breath , tooth decay and gum disease , say scientists 天然酸奶有助于緩解口臭科學家們發現,無糖酸奶有助于減輕口腔異味、蛀牙和牙齦疾病。

The enterprise chaoan longxing color - printing industry & trading co . , ltd . offers yoghurt cup among other things 提供關于酸奶杯的信息,請您撥打0791 - 6115737 ,電話垂詢。

Other examples of popular “ functional foods “ are yoghurts that contain bacteria designed to improve digestion 其他人氣機能食品,包括內含用來改善消化的細菌優格。

Levels of plaque and the gum disease gingivitis were also significantly lower among yoghurt eaters 此外,在飲用酸奶的受試者當中,牙菌斑和牙齦炎的發病率也顯著降低。

Cassette : which is marinated in the yoghurt sauce , and then it ' s cooked in a charcoal clay oven . 錄音帶:先浸泡在酸乳酪醬里,然后再擺在炭燒的土窯中燜煮。 ”

For example , this type of yoghurt , which contains collagen , is clearly labeled as being unsuitable for vegetarians 像是瓶含膠原蛋白的優格很明顯就是葷的。

In a blender containter , place grapefruit sections , yoghurt , and honey . cover and blend on medium speed 把西柚肉,酸奶和蜂蜜放到果汁機里,蓋好中速攪拌。