
ymca YMCA = Young Men's Christian...


Pwsc endorsed a commitment to upgrade 5qj to category a at an estimated cost of $ 23 . 7 million in mod prices for the replacement of the roof sheets containing asbestos of the 42 cottages in the wu kwai sha youth village of ymca , ma on shan 工務小組委員會通過開立承擔額,把5qj號工程計劃提升為甲級工程,按付款當日價格計算,估計費用為2 , 370萬元,用以更換香港中華基督教青年會位于馬鞍山的烏溪沙青年新村42座營屋含石棉的屋頂蓋板。

Pwsc endorsed a commitment to upgrade 5qj to category a at an estimated cost of 23 . 7 million in mod prices for the replacement of the roof sheets containing asbestos of the 42 cottages in the wu kwai sha youth village of ymca , ma on shan 工務小組委員會通過開立承擔額,把5qj號工程計劃提升為甲級工程,按付款當日價格計算,估計費用為2 , 370萬元,用以更換香港中華基督教青年會位于馬鞍山的烏溪沙青年新村42座營屋含石棉的屋頂蓋板。

The chinese ymca of hong kong offers a range of it skills training , with a focus on providing learning opportunities for the disadvantaged groups including the new immigrants , marginal youth and young night drifters , other youth and the elderly 香港中華基督教青年會香港中華基督教青年會舉辦多類資訊科技培訓課程,主要服務對象為新來港人士、邊緣青少年、深宵青少年,以及其他青少年及長者。

Designed and built by becton , managed by the ymca and supported by the university of melbourne , college square offers a secure investment with a two year rental guarantee of 6 . 25 % in year one and 6 . 5 % in year two 該項目配套設施齊全,有游泳池,健身房,各類運動場所和專為學生設計的學習室,并提供24小時封閉式管理;公寓內設計精致實用,裝修舒適高雅,家具配備一應俱全,非常適合學生居住。

A total of 35 junior inspectors were attached to non - government organisations such as hong kong polytechnic university , chinese ymca , ywca , hong kong christian service and yang memorial methodist social service 此外,共有35名初級督察在非政府機構實習,包括香港理工大學、香港中華基督教青年會、香港基督教女青年會、香港基督教服務處及循道衛理楊震社會服務處。

Other fund recipients included the salvation army , caritas - hong kong , ruttonjee and tang shiu kin hospital , chinese ymca of hong kong , hong kong phab association , hong chi association , and christian new life association ltd , etc 其他獲撥款的機構包括救世軍、香港明愛、律敦治醫院、香港中華基督教青年會、香港傷健協會、匡智會及基督教新生協會等。

Based on the christian value of “ not to be served , but to serve ” , shanghai ymca derived a new objective of “ serve the society , benefit the people ” to serve the youth of yesterday , today and tomorrow 上海基督教青年會以“服務社會、造福人群”為目宗旨,以“非以役人、乃役于人”的基督精神為會訓,面向昨日的青年、今天的青年和明天的青年。

From one club started in 1924 at the ymca in santa ana , california , toastmasters has grown to become the world ' s leading organization helping people conquer their pre - speech jitters 第一個演講會在1924年創立于美國加州圣塔安娜的基督教青年會,國際演講會目前已成為世界最大的非營利性教育組織并且有效的協助大家克服演講時的恐懼感。

Born on december 31 , 1937 as the only son of a baker , welsh actor anthony hopkins was drawn to the theatre while attending the ymca at age 17 , and later learned the basics of his craft at london s royal academy of dramatic art 安東尼霍普金斯anthony hopkins于1937年12月31日出生于英國的南威爾士。他是一位影視劇三棲演員。

During a visit to the chinese ymca of hong kong s bridges street centre , the secretary for housing , planning and lands , mr michael suen centre chats with a worker at the sheltered workshop inside the centre 房屋及規劃地政局局長孫明揚中參觀香港中華基督教青年會必列者士街會所時,與庇護工場內的工人閑談。 17 . 10 . 2006

Tsim sha tsui mtr exit e , walk towards salisbury road , turn right , take pedestrian tunnel next to ymca to hong kong cultural centre . then right and walk straight ahead towards the waterfront 地鐵尖沙咀站e出口,步行至梳士巴利道后右轉,取道香港基督教青年會旁的人行隧道前往香港文化中心,然后往右步向海旁。

It will be kicked - off by mr . karl lau , deputy general secretary ( social service ) of chinese ymca of hong kong , and mrs . cinnie chu , assistant director of student affairs of hkbu , at 1 pm 活動開幕禮將于下午一時舉行,由香港中華基督教青年會副總干事劉俊泉先生和浸大助理學生事務長吳朱麗嫻女士主禮。

Held in collaboration with four leading local bookshops ymca bookshop tsimshatsui , tai yip art book centre tsimshatsui , cosmos books ltd . wanchai and twilight books company wanchai 四大書店合辦:基督教青年會書店(尖沙咀) 、大業藝苑(尖沙咀) 、天地圖書有限公司(灣仔) 、曙光圖書公司(灣仔) 。

The headquarters sits next to the salisbury ymca near the junction of canton road and salisbury road , about two minutes walk from the kowloon star ferry concourse or the tsim sha tsui mtr station 前水警總部位于廣東道及梳士巴利道交界,與香港基督教青年會相鄰,可乘渡輪或地鐵至尖沙咀步行前往。

In october 1924 when ralph c . smedley started a public speaking club in the basement of the santa ana ymca in california , he wasn ' t planning on creating a movement 1924年10月,史麥德利博士在美國加州圣塔安娜ymca的地下室成立了第一個演講會;他當時也沒有預料到這個演講會組織會如此迅速的全面展開

A chinese ready new york seminar was held in chinatown . the events was organized by american red cross of greater new york , and co - sponsored by ccba , cpc and chinatown ymca 由大紐約區紅十字會主辦,中華公所、華策會、華埠青年會合辦的大型中文應急講座在孫逸仙初中舉行。

Chinese ready new york seminar was held in chinatown . the events was organized by american red cross of greater new york , and co - sponsored by ccba , cpc and chinatown ymca 由大紐約區紅十字會主辦,中華公所、華策會、華埠青年會合辦的大型中文應急講座在孫逸仙初中舉行。

Volleyball was invented in 1895 by william g . morgan , a student at springfield college and a director of the ymca at holyoke , massachusetts 在1895年發明的,他是美國斯普林菲爾德專科學校的學生,也是馬薩諸塞州霍利奧克城的基督教青年會干事。

A former programme officer of ymca was sentenced to 200 hours of community service for swindling travel package fees totalling about 67 , 000 一名香港基督教青年會前項目主任,騙取旅游活動費用共約六萬七千元,被判須履行二百小時社會服務。