
yet adv.1.還,現在還是,依然,仍舊;到目前為止。2.還...


Yet to calculate is not in itself to analyze . 可是計算本來并不等于分析。

He has done nothing out of the way yet . 他倒還沒干出離譜的事。

The missing child has not been found yet . 失蹤的孩子還沒找到。

As yet the harm done was small . 頂到現在,所惹的禍還不算大呢。

The critical stars had not yet risen . 最要緊的是星辰尚未升起。

The vengeance of juno was not yet satiated . 朱諾報復之心不死。

Keep your distance, i'm not done yet . 離遠一點,我還沒完蛋呢。

Haven't you learned yet that all is vanity ? 你還不懂得一切都是空虛的嗎?

Yet caroline refused tamely to succumb . 然而,卡羅琳不肯就此乖乖地屈服。

Have you had your typhus shots yet ? 你打過斑疹傷寒防疫針了嗎?

It seems proved , but yet i doubt . 這好像證實了,但我還是懷疑。

Have you got the plan ready yet ? -- no , not yet . 計劃做好了?

It is early days yet to make up one 's mind ... 要下決心現在還為時過早。

We haven't got the full reports yet . 我們還沒有得到全部的報告。

The train was not free of the station yet . 火車還沒有離開車站。

She has not yet learned to use the lavatory . 她還沒學過用廁所。

The measure of his degradation was not yet full . 他出丑還沒有出到頂點。

And yet i'm a stranger here too . 不過,我在這里也是舉目無親啊。

He has been ill and is not fit for work yet . 他一直在生病,尚不能工作。