
yelp vi.(狗)汪汪地叫,吠;叫喊。vt.叫喊著說。n.狗吠...


Mr heathcliff and his man climbed the cellar steps with vexatious phlegm : i don t think they moved one second faster than usual , though the hearth was an absolute tempest of worrying and yelping 希刺克厲夫和他的仆人邁著煩躁的懶洋洋的腳步,爬上了地窖的梯階:我認為他們走得并不比平常快一秒鐘,雖然爐邊已經給撕咬和狂吠鬧得大亂。

Mr heathcliff and his man climbed the cellar steps with vexatious phlegm : i don ' t think they moved one second faster than usual , though the hearth was an absolute tempest of worrying and yelping 希刺克厲夫和他的仆人邁著煩躁的懶洋洋的腳步,爬上了地窖的梯階:我認為他們走得并不比平常快一秒鐘,雖然爐邊已經給撕咬和狂吠鬧得大亂。

Carter gave a sharp yelp . “ you nearly shot me ! ” he pulled out a hand clasped round a shattered pipe . “ beginner ' s luck , ” mike muttered , his face white with terror 卡特嚇得發出一聲尖叫。 “你險些把我給斃啦! ”他伸出的手里緊捏著一支已被子彈擊的煙斗。 “真是萬幸” 。 (新手)邁克大驚失色,口中喃喃而語。

This scheme quickly became the gold standard , serving as a model for user - rating systems everywhere from amazon to yelp . but people soon realized that the setup was easy to manipulate 這個計劃快速成為了金本位制,從叫的亞馬遜到處擔任為用戶等級系統的一個模型。但是人們很快認識到安裝是容易的操作。

Pilot pricked up his ears when i came in : then he jumped up with a yelp and a whine , and bounded towards me : he almost knocked the tray from my hands 我一進門,派洛特便豎起了耳朵,隨后汪汪汪,嗚嗚嗚叫了一通,跳將起來,竄向了我,差一點掀翻我手中的托盤。

You could tell her you ' re trading your six - figure income for a career in offtrack betting , and she ' d barely pause before yelping “ go for it ! 你可以對她講述你放棄6位數工資的職業去最求某一個場外賽馬賭博事業,她會毫不猶豫地說”去努力吧!

The dog yelped running to them , reared up and pawed them , dropping on all fours , again reared up at them with mute bearish fawning 狗邊吠著邊向他們奔去,用后肢站著,伸出前爪撓他們。又趴下來,再用后肢站直,像熊似的默默地跟他們撒歡。

Using a pair of giant clippers , the bare - chested chinese man lunges into one of many wire cages on a truck and pins down a yelping dog 一個赤裸著胸膛的中國男人用一對大夾子戳進卡車上很多鐵絲籠中的一個,夾住一只嗚咽的狗。

There was a sharp yelp , a flirt of the poodle s head , and the beetle fell a couple of yards away , and lit on its back once more 獅子狗尖叫一聲,猛然搖了一下頭,于是甲蟲被它摔出了有一兩碼,摔得仰面朝天。

The dog s endeavour to avoid him was unsuccessful ; as i guessed by a scutter downstairs , and a prolonged , piteous yelping 狗想躲開,可是失敗了從一陣慌忙跑下樓的聲音和可憐的長嗥,我就猜出來了。

Often their yelps drifted across the desolation , and once he saw three of them slinking away before his path 狼嗥常常穿透荒原,有一次,他還見到三只狼從他面前跑開。

Paradise of pretenders then and now . he saved men from drowning and you shake at a cur s yelping 他154搭救了快要溺死的人們,你呢,聽到一條野狗叫喚也瑟瑟發抖。

From far away drifted a faint , sharp yelp , followed by a chorus of similar sharp yelps 遠方傳來一陣微弱而尖銳的呼叫,隨之是一陣相同的尖叫聲的合奏。

There was a flash of green light , a yelp , and the fox fell back to the ground , dead 這時候突然閃過一道綠色的光,接著一聲慘叫,狐貍倒在地上死了。

The question of when grunts and yelps turned into words and phrases is a tricky one 什么時候哼哼唧唧的聲音變成了單詞和短語是個惱人的問題。

Oh , mygod ! yelps 我的天啊

Yelps it ' s on me 在我身上

And buck ran with them , side by side with the wild brother , yelping as he ran 巴克也跟上去,一邊嗥叫一邊跟那位野生兄弟肩并肩奔跑。

Oh , mygod ! [ yelps ] 我的天啊