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yellowstone national park (美國)黃石公園。


Visit state capitol early in the morning , then drive along the great salt lake basin , you will reach the cowboy state - wyoming by noon . enjoy a lunch and brief shopping visit in the famous town of jackson hole . after lunch , continue along the snake river to the grand teton national park , and then towards world famous yellowstone national park 中午時分進入著名的牛仔州懷俄明州,在充滿西部風味的孰克森城午餐后,沿著蛇河河谷,進入大提頓國家公園,高聳入云的山巔覆蓋著千年的冰河,山連山,峰連峰,猶勝富士雪山,傍晚抵達全美第一的黃石公園。

When i was married and we started our family , we would use our vacation time in the summer to travel . and i said to mrs . schuller when we were driving to yellowstone national park , “ i wonder if this experience will leave the children with a happy memory ? “ again and again we asked that question 新婚不久,我們便開始生小孩夏天時我們一家人會去外游,我會對太太說:我記得一年夏天我們去了黃石國家公園,我說:不曉得孩子們會否因此留下美好回憶。

In the left frame of the cartoon , we see two people hiking through the snows of yellowstone national park , in which the most famous of the many geysers is “ old faithful “ . the hikers think it lies just over the hill , where the column of vapor is rising 在漫畫的左欄中,我們看見兩個人正行走于黃石公園的雪地之中,該公園眾多間歇式噴泉中最著名的就是“老忠實”了,兩位遠足者認為該噴泉就位于山坡那邊,因為一縷霧汽正從那邊升起。

Departing from los angeles you can also join our tour from las vegas , visiting many popular attractions by our deluxe motor coach : salt lake city , bryce canyon , zion park , grand teton national park , yellowstone national park , idaho falls , grand canyon and las vegas 出發也可以由拉斯維加斯加入,搭乘豪華大巴士,游覽鹽湖城大提頓國家公園愛達荷瀑布黃石公園布萊斯峽谷錫安公園拉斯維加斯等風光。

You will reach the cowboy state of wyoming by noon . after lunch , continue along the snake river to arrive at the grand teton national park and then the world famous yellowstone national park . over night at park 中午時分進入著名的牛仔州懷俄明州在充滿西部風味的杰克森城午餐后沿著蛇河河谷,進入大提頓國家公園,高聳入云的山峰,覆蓋著千年的冰河,宛如進入人間仙境尤勝富士山。

Most of the gray wolf pups born in yellowstone national park last year have died , possibly because of a dog disease , a federal wolf expert says . just 22 of the 69 pups born last year are still alive , said doug smith , the park ' s wolf project leader 據美聯社1月7日報道,美國黃石國家公園狼飼養計劃的負責人道格史密斯說,該公園去年出生的69只小狼仔中,目前僅有22只幸存。

Visiting many popular attractions by our deluxe motor coach : bryce canyon , zion park , grand teton national park , yellowstone national park , twin falls , las vegas , reno , lake tahoe , napa sf 加入,搭乘豪華大巴士,布萊斯峽谷錫安公園大峽谷拉斯維加斯黃石公園大提頓公園太浩湖舊金山17哩風景區等風光。

Visiting many popular attractions by our deluxe motor coach : salt lake city , bryce canyon , zion park , grand teton national park , yellowstone national park and las vegas 加入,搭乘豪華大巴士,游覽鹽湖城大提頓國家公園愛達荷瀑布黃石公園布萊斯峽谷錫安公園拉斯維加斯等風光。

Citing the recovery of grizzly bear populations in and around yellowstone national park , the u . s . government has declared that the bears no longer need protection under the endangered species act 引用復蘇灰色和周圍人群承受黃石國家公園美國政府已宣布不再負有保護瀕危物種法案

Most of the gray wolf pups born in yellowstone national park last year have died , possibly because of a dog disease , a federal wolf expert says 美國黃石國家公園去年出生的大部分灰狼幼仔目前都已死亡。據有關專家日前表示,之所以出現這種情況,可能是由于一種犬類疾病的影響。

Visit many attractions by deluxe motorcoach : salt lake city , bryce canyon , zion park , grand teton national park , yellowstone national park , idaho falls , grand canyon and las vegas 出發,搭乘豪華大巴士,暢游美西六大州五大國家公園世界第一賭城,奇景連連,保證超值。

Wildlife experts are stunned by the changes they have seen in wolf biology in yellowstone national park . you can see a lush curtain of willows in yellowstone again 野生動物專家驚嘆于狼群給黃石國家公園生態環境所帶來的變化.如今的黃石又是綠柳成蔭了

Fossils of the most primitive primate ever discovered have been unearthed near yellowstone national park , a find that scientists say could redraw humans ' family tree 訖今最為古老的靈長類動物化石在黃石國家公園附近出土,這將改寫人類生命樹圖譜

Bryce canyon , zion park , grand teton national park , yellowstone national park , twin falls , las vegas , reno , lake tahoe , napa san francisco 布萊斯峽谷錫安公園大峽谷拉斯維加斯黃石公園大提頓公園那帕酒鄉太浩湖舊金山17哩風景區

On the night of august 17 , 1959 , at about 20 minutes before midnight , the ground in the vicinity of yellowstone national park began shaking violently 1959年8月17日的晚上,大約午夜前20分鐘,黃石國家公園附近大地開始猛烈搖動。

Visiting many popular attractions by our deluxe motor coach : salt lake city , grand teton national park , yellowstone national park 由鹽湖城機場集合,再搭乘豪華大巴士,以四天時間,暢游黃石公園主要風景名勝:

Explore the natural wonders of yellowstone national park . later head to the famous kennecott copper mine in magna , utah 離開公園后,返回鹽湖城,參觀世界最大的賓漢露天銅礦場,并可購買各式各樣的銅制品。

Visit yellowstone national park , the first and oldest national park in the united states . highlights include : yellowstone canyon , mud volcano , 全程十二小時遍游黃石公園各處奇景,包括:翡翠穴白泥潭

Idaho falls - grand teton national park - yellowstone national park after breakfast , heading toward wyoming , a famous cowboy state 普克提羅-愛達荷瀑布-大提頓國家公園-黃石國家公園