
yellowish adj.淡黃色的。

yellowstone national park

The edible portion of the fruit is the yellowish , curd - like flesh which surrounds a hard seed 他們一會忙著招呼顧客,一會兒又忙著叫賣,真是分身乏術。

The yellowish colouring of this liver specimen is the result of fatty degeneration of liver cells 這肝臟標本的黃色色澤是由于肝細胞的脂肪變性所致。

The right pleural cavity is filled with a cloudy yellowish - tan fluid , characteristic for a chylothorax 圖示乳糜胸,右胸膜腔充滿黃褐色云絮狀液體。

There are areas of yellowish necrosis in the portions of neoplasm infiltrating into the surrounding breast 腫瘤淡黃*色壞死區向周圍乳腺組織浸潤。

Characteristic this product is yellowish - brown piece of adhesive plaster with aromatic smell 本品為黃褐色的片狀貼膏劑,氣芬香。

The yellowish glare to the south of kyushu is sunlight reflected by the sea surface 圖中所見九州以南的黃色地帶是海面反射陽光而成的。

It was a yellowish brown and seemed coated with a rough and half - dry mucus 而是一種泛黃的紅褐色,就像被涂上了一層粗糙而半干的粘液。

Folic acid is a yellowish to orange , crystalline powder ; odourless or almost odourless 葉酸是淡黃色至橙色結晶粉沫,無臭或幾乎無臭。

The yellowish color of many fats and oils is due to their caretene content 許多脂類和油類有著淡黃色是由于它們含有胡蘿卜素的緣故

Description : scandent shrubs , up to 6 m long ; branchlets yellowish hirsute 形態特徵:攀援灌木,長達6米;小枝被黃色粗毛。

Figure 1 : electrolyzing tap water will produce yellowish brown and floating dregs 電解自來水,產生黃褐色的水色與浮渣。

This product is yellowish - brown piece of adhesive plaster with aromatic smell 本品為黃褐色的片狀貼膏劑,氣芬香。

It comes as yellowish brown powder , rosin odor and tiny bitter in taste 本品為黃棕色的粉末,氣香味微苦酸澀。

Chemical reagent . eosin yellowish 化學試劑.曙紅

The cut surface of this kidney demonstrates many small yellowish microabscesses 腎臟切面上有許多黃色微小膿腫。

It comes as yellowish brown powder , pleasant odor and tiny bitter in taste 本品為多褐色的粉末,氣香味苦澀。

It is a yellowish and transparent liquid with the fragrance of borneol 本品為微黃色的澄明液體,具有冰片香味。

He is wearing a yellowish jacket 他穿著一件黃乎乎的夾克

The cinnamon is of yellowish - brown color 肉桂呈黃褐色。