
yellow adj.1.黃(色)的。2.皮膚黃的;蒙古[黃色]人種的...

yellow alert

The cotyledons of the mature embryo are either green, yellow or chalky yellow . 成熟胚的子葉是綠色,黃色或淺黃色。

From its open mouth poured a yellow stream of coarse gold dust and nuggets . 從袋口倒出一堆黃色的金沙和天然金塊。

A pasty yellow juice instead of a clear one can be squeezed from strobil . 球果壓出的是黃色的而不是澄清的漿液。

She embroidered the cloth with a pattern in yellow and green stitches . 她用黃綠兩種線在那塊布上繡了一個圖案。

His face was like yellow wax, his eyes darkened, as it were sightless . 他的臉色蠟黃,眼睛變得陰暗,茫然無神。

The yellow haired young eulalie became my smiling bride . 長著金黃頭發的年輕的尤拉麗成了我的盈盈淺笑的新娘。

Taylor rose and straightened his yellow and blue striped sweater . 泰勒站起來,撫平他那件黃藍條紋的運動衫。

When a person looks at an object, the image is focused on the yellow spot . 人凝視物時,物像聚焦在黃斑上。

It's yellow . 這是卑鄙的勾當。

The costumes were red, pink, blue, purple, yellow and so forth . 這些服裝有紅,粉紅,藍,紫,黃等等顏色。

He would ruminate, writing out the issues on his yellow pad . 他會冥思苦想把問題寫在他的黃色拍紙本上的。

On the kitchen table there was a large square lump of yellow butter . 在廚房的桌子上,有一塊方形的黃油。

Acres of black and yellow smoke rolled steadily towards the sea . 成片的黑黃色的濃煙不斷地滾滾涌向大海。

He wore a tight yellow sport shirt, and new light trousers . 他身穿緊身的黃色運動襯衫和新的淺色褲子。

His teeth, when he opened his mouth, showed yellow and uneven . 他張開嘴時,參差不齊的黃牙露了出來。

The chloroplast envelope has the light yellow color of violaxanthin . 葉綠體的套膜有紫黃質的淡黃色。

Himmelstein's face with its long yellow grooves was joyful . 希梅斯坦布滿黃色皺紋的臉上,歡快異常。

Such detergents do not yellow the wool as alkali tends to do . 這種洗滌劑不會象堿那樣使羊毛發黃。

It was almost white having only a slight tint of yellow . 那幾乎全是白色的,只稍微帶著些許黃色。