
yell vi.叫喊,大嚷;喊加油;(突然)大笑。 yell wi...

yell leader

. . . to yell at a woman who ' s obviously not there . . .對一個明顯不再這里的婦女吼叫

Right then , one guy with us just yells , “ bear ! 然,我們的一個人大叫“熊!

The coach yelled “ don ' t dog it ! “ to his players 教練向他的隊員們大喊:別松勁兒!

You know what ? everybody ' s going with us . - both yelling -你知道什么?大家走

Tyrant they yelled so easily , i laugh 他們動不動就叫他暴君我對此只有付之一笑

Listen . i ' m sorry - for yelling at you the other night 我很抱歉今天對你大吼大叫

“ up with your hands ! “ yelled a savage voice “舉起手來! ”一個兇惡的聲音叫道。

I ll do something . i ll yell , fire , okay 我會做點事的我會叫“失火了”好嗎?

Wake up , ned - o . i ' m sorry i yelled at you 醒醒,尼德對不起,我不該對你大聲喊

I tied up , and i started yelling a little bit 我綁好飛機之我便開始呼叫他們

Dad , don ' t yell at me . you ' re giving me headaches 爸爸,不要沖我吼你讓我頭好痛

I hate my boss ! he yelled at me again today 我恨我的老? !他今天又對我大吼了。

If he doesn ' t stop yelling , it will drive me mad 如果他不停止尖叫,會使我發瘋。

After yelling for ten minutes they came to blows 在十分鐘的叫罵后他們打起架來。

What are you yelling at me for ? l ' ll tell dad on you 對我大喊大叫的我會告你

I thought i heard someone yell at you “ go , dad , 我覺得有人在叫“好樣的,爸爸”

I thought i heard someone yell at you “ go , dad . 我覺得有人在叫“好樣的,爸爸”

His cry was answered by a yell and a laugh from the wood, as tauntingly exulting as if fifty demons were uttering the blasphemies at the fall of some christian soul . 隨著他的叫聲,林子里響起一片歡呼和笑聲,仿佛五十個小魔鬼在得意洋洋地凌辱一個倒下去的基督徒時的狂嘲怒罵。

But when le renard raised his voice in a long and intelligible whoop, it was answered by a spontanous yell from the mouth of every indian within hearing of the sound . 可是當列那狐抬高聲音,所有聽到它那悠長易懂的呼叫的印第安人全本能地大聲做出回應。