
yeasty adj.1.酵母的,會發酵的;起泡的。2.動蕩的,不安定...


After that , under the influence of financial yeasty , especially the east asia crisis of last century , people more rationally look the economic relationship in the interest rate liberalization , which should be dealt with properly 從金融管制到金融深化、利率管制到利率市場化,表明金融與經濟發展必然是、也必須是相互促進的。

The yeasty odor had no effect on the lifespan of fully fed flies 酵母香氣對于有充足食物的果蠅的壽命沒有影響。

Optimization of fermentation parameters of cider yeasty fusant w 1發酵工藝參數的優化研究