
yearly adj.一年一次的;每年的;一年間的。 a yearly...


The system of yearly salary for management is under perfecting 經營者年薪制基本條件亟待完善

Yearly statistics of air planning advice 歷年空氣規劃指引的統計數字

To organize the performance review yearly 組織每年的員工績效評估。

Many greek cities had to send yearly tribute to athens 許多希臘城市不得不每年向雅典進貢。

Yearly after 6 years from year of manufacture 制造年份起六年后的每年

Labor day is a yearly tribute to the contribution of workers 每年勞動節是他對工人的敬意。

On the yearly salary system in r . o . korea 對韓國企業實行年薪制的思考

To prepare yearly budgets , control the cost 編制年度預算、控制成本。

Our yearly throughput is about 400 , 000 tons 年貨物吞吐量40萬噸左右。

Shortage of hands has shrunk our plant ' s yearly output 人手不足已使我們廠的年產量減少。

Health bureau : wholesome licence yearly check 衛生局:衛生許可證年檢。

Long term can range from weekly to yearly 長線指的是從至少一周到幾年。

They will go to attend a yearly meeting 他們將要出席一個一年一度會議。

I ' d like to find out if they ' re termly or yearly 我想問清楚它們是(學)期刊還是年刊。

This is the half - yearly meeting of the interim committee 這是臨時委員會的半年度會議。

Studies on yearly change of amygdalin content in peach 桃樹體內苦杏仁甙含量年變化研究

The people ' s bank compounds interest yearly 人民銀行以年為單位計算復利。

The charge that still having is a yearly check wants less 還有就是年檢的費用要少些。

Yearly sales revenue is more than rmb 500 million 年銷售收入大于5億人民幣