
yearlong adj.整整一年的;繼續一年的。


With the approach of performance study as its main method of study , the author conducted a yearlong profound study on the issue of how the teachers in the secondary schools change their teaching styles in the curriculum reform . the author , therefore , draws some ideas from the study that , under the notion of neo - curriculum , teachers “ performing of new teaching styles in the teaching of chemistry in secondary schools will have an essential effect on helping the establishment of new teaching ideas and the transformation of chemistry teaching style 本人針對課程改革中中學化學教師如何轉變教學方式這一問題,以行動研究法為主要研究方法,進行了為期一年多的比較深入的研究,從中體會到:中學化學教師在新的課程理念下,實施以“啟發?探究”為特征的新的教學方式,對于幫助教師重樹新的教學觀念,實現化學教學方式的轉變有著非常明顯的促進作用。

With the approval from my instructor , i selected the study of the financial environment of private high - tech enterprises in zhejiang province as the subject of my master ' s degree thesis . by writing this thesis , i can give a conclusion to the yearlong project ; more importantly , i can carry on further study and research on some issues of realistic meaning but not yet completely covered or discussed by the project . i hope my work will truthfully and thoroughly present current financial situations of the private high - tech enterprises in zhejiang province , point out possible problems , and propose relative solutions , all hi an effort to contribute to the further prosperity of private high - tech economies in zhejiang province 因此,經導師認可,我選擇《浙江省民營科技企業的金融環境研究》作為我碩士論文的研究題目,一方面,對為時一年的課題進行一個總結;更重要的是,將課題沒有完全涵蓋或沒有作為重點討論而又具有現實意義的有關問題作進一步的研究,以期望盡可能真實、全面、深入地反映浙江省民營高科技企業融資的現狀,指出可能存在的問題,提出應對之策,為進一步繁榮浙江省民營科技經濟盡一份力。

The chairman of the special commission set up to examine the use of performance - enhancing drugs in major league baseball said for the first time yesterday that he had asked a number of active players to appear before the commission , a move that represents a major turning point in the yearlong investigation 特別委員會主席昨日首次宣稱要求服藥運動員提前現身,該委員會成立是為了檢查在職業棒球聯盟中用于提高成績的藥物使用,此項行動是一年調查的重大轉折點。

Winnie the pooh is getting a makeover as the walt disney co presses its second - largest franchise into play for a larger share of the billion preschool market , the company said on wednesday . disney is readying a yearlong marketing push in 2006 to commemorate and 本周三,沃特迪斯尼公司透露,小熊維尼目前正處于“轉型”時期,因為迪斯尼公司對旗下的第二大連鎖店寄予厚望,想在210億美元的學齡前市場上搶得一塊更大的蛋糕。

Disney is readying a yearlong marketing push in 2006 to commemorate and capitalize on the 80th anniversary of the publication of “ winnie - the - pooh “ and expand the brand beyond the forest and infant toys , clothing and furniture 為了紀念小熊維尼誕辰80周年,迪斯尼目前正在籌劃2006年的全年營銷活動,并準備借此機會推出除動物森林兒童玩具服裝和家居用品外的其他“小熊維尼”系列產品。

Japan ' s space agency said nearly two weeks ago that its lunar probe was in high orbit over the moon and all was going well as it began a yearlong project to map and study the lunar surface 日本的空間機構說在2周前發射了一顆月球探測器,在月球軌道上用于環繞月球繪制地區和研究月球表面。

After a yearlong preparation work in investigation , arrangement and classification , the asset portfolios are now ready to be promoted to the public and to be gradually launched on the market 一年多來,經過調查、整理和分類等工作,這部分資產已具備了向市場推介的條件,將逐步投放市場。

This paper is developed from the author ' s firsthand experience in leading his english conversation students through a yearlong class exercise designed to train them in a variety of skills 摘要本文系根據作者為期一年的英語會話課程,旨在訓練學生各種語言技能的親身教學經驗。

Despite or because of her success , a - mei and her music suffered a yearlong ban in china , after she sang the taiwanese national anthem at the inauguration of president chen shui - bian 1997年10月合唱單曲阿蘭木-與阿妹妹和唱,收錄于阿妹妹專輯“我要為你做飯”

A yearlong study is raising questions about the widespread use of antibiotics in nursing homes to treat infections in patients with terminal dementia 一個長達一年的研究正在提出在安養院中的關于抗生藥的廣大使用的疑問在患有終末的癡呆患者中治療感染。

The pacific heritage museum is proud to present a yearlong exhibition of master au ho - nien ' s most representational works spanning more than five decades 太平洋遺產博物館隆重推出歐豪年大師全年畫展,展品均為大師最有代表性的作品,橫跨50多年的時間。

As the winner , hannah will serve a yearlong term as the official mascot of both the relays and drake university 作為冠軍得主,漢納將成為德雷克大學和該校今年的田徑運動會的官方吉祥物。

As the winner , hannah will serve a yearlong term as the official mascot of both the relays and drake university 作為冠軍得主,漢納將成為本年度接力賽和德雷克大學的官方吉祥物。

As the winner , hannah will serve a yearlong term as the official of both the relays and drake university 作為冠軍得主,漢納將成為本年度接力賽和德雷克大學的官方吉祥物。