
year n.1.年,歲;一年。2.年度,學年。3.〔pl.〕年紀...

year 2000 problem

This year 's sales figures are looking good . 今年的銷售數字形勢喜人。

This lumber is seasoned for several years . 這種木柴已經風干好幾年了。

He has n't missed a day 's work in years . 他多年來一天也未曠工。

Sir, in my early years i read very hard . 先生,我年青時讀書非常刻苦。

The peach trees promise a rich crop this year . 今年桃子豐收在望。

I had an amusing experience last year . 去年,我曾有過一段有趣的經歷。

She hoped to catch 2 or 3 more years . 我是想再爭取二、三年的時光。

We have lived here quite a number of years . 我們在這兒住了好些年了。

Luckily, there are only two semesters a year . 幸虧一年只有兩個學期。

They have been carrying on for years . 他們的曖昧關系已經有很多年了。

She has thinned down a lot since last year . 自去年以來她瘦了好多。

The apple trees are fruiting early this year . 今年蘋果樹很早結果。

Their relationship has lasted many years . 他們的感情已有很多年了。

These trees will begin to bear next year . 這些樹明年就要開始結果。

The years 1960 and 1964 were both bissextile . 1960和1964年都是閏年。

In his senior year he branches out . 讀大四那年時他又多了件事兒干了。

I have spent two years wandering the world . 我用了兩年時間周游世界。

His age differs by two years from your own . 他的年齡與你相差兩歲。

Though old in years , he is young in spirit .. 他雖年邁,但朝氣蓬勃。