
yea adv.〔古語〕1.是,不錯 (opp. nay); 真...


Yea , ye overwhelm the fatherless , and ye dig a pit for your friend 27你們想為孤兒拈鬮,以朋友當貨物。

Li yea . i ' m a smart girl that speaks with a smart accent 是啊,我是個機靈的姑娘,說話帶有時髦的腔調。

A definite yea , i think . really 顯然是好,我真的這么認為

A wise man is string ; yea , a man of knowledge increaseth strength 智慧人大能能力,有知識的人力上加力。

Yea , my reins shall rejoice , when thy lips speak right things 16你的嘴若說正直話,我的心腸也必快樂。

He saith unto him , yea , lord ; thou knowest that i love thee 彼得說:主啊,是的,你知道我愛你。

Yea , it ' s probably kind of dated , isn ' t it 對,它是有些舊了

Now , to be thine , yea , thine alone , 我們歡喜做慈悲天父的兒女,

I ' m so excited . yea . i ' m excited too 我好興奮! -我也很興奮!

The movie has been put on for two yeas 這塊電影已經上映兩年了。

Yea . something is wrong with his age 嗯。他的年齡出了一點問題。

Yea , though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death . . 即使我在死亡峽谷的陰影里徘徊,

Yea , seeketh tolerance when easily provoked 懷著一顆互相容忍的心

Whatever s left i m using to keep myself from losing , yea 但換來連場沉默如像跟我嬉笑不再吸引

- lsn ' t it better than you imagined ? - yea -比你想象的好不是嗎? -嗯

Yea , though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death 即使我在死亡峽谷的陰影里徘徊,

It ' s been more than 30 yeas since the wolf and the winter cold 狼和冬天已經來到了30多年了。

Then you dad said yea lets bury it 然后你爸爸說,對讓我們把他埋了

Spencer . yea , you can really call this chasing the dream 是啊,你完全可以把這個叫做追逐夢想