
ye pron.〔pl.〕〔古、詩、方〕 thou 的復數。 ...


But ye , brethren , be not weary in well doing 13弟兄們,你們行善不可喪志。

Neither can ye reconcile britain and america 你們要使英國與北美和解,也是辦不到的。

Joyful , all ye nations , rise , join the triumph of the skies ?是好牧者,是萬古的盤石,

12 is it nothing to you , all ye that pass by 你們一切過路的人哪,這事你們不介意麼。

And ye will not come to me , that ye might have life 然而你們不肯到我這里來得生命。

The art education tradition at peking university . ye lang 北京大學藝術教育的傳統葉朗

[ kjv ] whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow 其實明天怎樣,你們并不知道。

1917 began studying painting in shanghai under hong ye 1917在上海開始從洪野學畫。

And ye shall be hated of all men for my name ' s sake 17你們要為我的名,被眾人恨惡。

Ye ethiopians also , ye shall be slain by my sword 12古實人哪,你們必被我的刀所殺。

Can ye give to prostitution its former innocence 你們能不能把過去的純潔還給娼妓呢

On the aesthetic characteristics of ye zhou ' s poetry 淺談葉舟詩歌的審美特征

Be ye the fingers of one hand , the member of one body 你等應如一手之指。一體之肢。

And now , o ye priests , this commandment is for you 1眾祭司阿,這誡命是傳給你們的。

Is it nothing to you , all ye that pass by 12你們一切過路的人哪,這事你們不介意嗎。

And ye say , wherein have we despised thy name 你們卻說,我們在何事上藐視你的名呢?

He answered and said unto them , give ye them to eat 37耶穌回答說,你們給他們吃吧。

And now , o ye priests , this commandment is for you 祭司啊!現在這命令是給你們的。

An analysis on the origin of mr . ye weilian ' s poetry theory 葉維廉詩學理論誘因分析