
yawn vi.1.打呵欠。2.張開口。3.(深淵、裂縫等)張著大...


Don ' t they just sleep on icebergs and yawn all the time 它們不是終日睡在冰山上,哈欠連天嗎

He stretches out his arms and yawns (他伸了伸懶腰,打了個哈欠。 )

He yawned several times during the lecture 聽課期間他打了幾次哈欠。

I gave a loud yawn , but he just kept on talking 我大聲打了個呵欠,可他還是不停地講下去。

And after months of worry , the markets yawned 也正是因為數月的緊張,市場已經反應遲鈍了。

Yawns , to me , are objects of curiosity 對我來說,打哈欠倒是新奇的事。

He is an old bore ; even the grave yawns for him 他是個老無聊,甚至墳墓都在替他大哈欠。

The deep crevasse yawned at their feet 他們腳下的冰川有一道深深的裂縫

The movie was nothing more than one big yawn 這部電影只能令人哈欠連天。

She yawned during the lecture because it was boring 她聽課時打哈欠,因為這堂課很乏味。

She kept yawning as a hint that she was tired 她不斷打呵欠,暗示她累了。

“ ah , then , “ the king said . “ i order you to yawn 國王說: “那好吧,我命令你打哈欠。

- oh , yawn . - we hear danger is your middle name -哦,真棒-我們聽說你的名字叫“危險”

Oh , yawn . - we hear danger is your middle name 哦,真棒-我們聽說你的名字叫“危險”

After a big yawn , santa falls asleep 打了一個大呵欠后,圣誕老人就睡著了。

“ on a rock , yawning like a jackass “他在巖石上,像傻子一樣張大嘴打呵欠”

He stifled a slight yawn ; then after a pause 他輕輕打了一個呵欠,沉默了一會,說道:

The meeting was one big yawn from start to finish 那會議自始至終十分無聊

The man who had been waked yawned and stretched 被叫醒的人打了個哈欠,伸了伸懶腰。