
yataghan n.(土耳其人的)無鍔彎刀。


This morning i found an imitated 98 yataghan at the booth in pan garden . it ' s made much like the genuine one , especially the fittings . but it lacks the bolt fixing the decorations on fittings , and the blade is not right , so here please pay attention everybody . lately i found several imitated 95 aluminium yataghan in market , which are much like the genuine one , and unsold till now 今早在潘家園地攤上發現一把仿98軍刀,做的有九分像,特別是裝,但是裝上固定裝飾物的螺釘沒有,刀條不對,提醒大家注意.最近市面發現了三五把仿95式鋁把軍刀,八分像.一直未賣掉

But when i added to the gun an english cutlass with which i had shivered his highness s yataghan to pieces , the bey yielded , and agreed to forgive the hand and head , but on condition that the poor fellow never again set foot in tunis 但我還有一把英國彎刀,這把彎刀可以把國王的土耳其劍切得粉碎,當我在長槍以外又加上這把英國彎刀時,國王就讓步了,同意饒了他的手和腦袋,只是有一個條件,不許他的腳再踏上突尼斯。