
yarrow n.【植物;植物學】歐[西洋]蓍草。


Organic non - fat milk , natural oat germ , raw unfiltered honey ; organic herbs of echinacea , gotu kola , comfrey , elder flowers , chamomile , calendula , marshmallow , birch bark , licorice , lavender , sorrel , yarrow , neem , custom harvested bee propolis , amla berry for natural vitamin c , organic grapefruit seed extract , organic essential oils of orange and mandarin , and benzoin , a natural resin 脫脂牛奶燕麥純天然香草精華,如洋甘菊葡萄柚薰衣草維他命c有機葡萄柚柚安息香金盞菊蜂膠橙皮有機云呢拿依蘭蜂蜜提煉而成。

Organic gotu kola , echinacea , calendula succus , st . john s wort , plantain , calendula , roman chamomile , comfrey , celandine , linden flowers , peppermint , figwort , fuchsia , lavender , sorrel , tansy , yarrow , calendula co2 , natural bee propolis , amla berry for natural vitamin c , natural vitamins a and e , organic essential oils of orange , mandarin and benzoin 蘆薈蜂蠟薰衣草鵝腸草雛菊可可巴油紫椎花歿藥羅馬甘菊金盞花艾菊金印草天竺葵佛手柑天然維他命a及e ,檸檬油等。

Organic aloe , organic oils of mission olive , rice bran , hazelnut , borage , evening primrose , black currant , organic herbs of gotu kola , comfrey , black elderberry , ginseng , marshmallow , licorice , violet , yarrow , caraway , amla berry for natural vitamin c , organic essential oils of orange , ylang - ylang , vanilla and neroli 這輕柔而滲透力強的補濕霜,對受損或發炎的暗瘡皮膚,特別有效。其珍貴的成份如洋甘菊金盞花紫草和鵝腸草等草本精華,更可以深層保濕。

Organic aloe , organic oils of mission olive , rice bran , hazelnut , organic herbs of echinacea , comfrey , elder flower , roman chamomile , celandine , lavender , yarrow , sorrel , tansy , linden flowers and st . john s wort , sorrel , tansy , essential oils of damask rose and benzoin 這補濕霜含有蘆薈及多種有機植物,如個香姜檸檬草佛手柑等,很易被皮膚吸收。具有平衡油脂分泌,保濕及去印作用,是油性皮膚在乾燥季節或空調環境下的保濕恩物。

In the process of taking shape of the zhouyi as classic text , the earlier form of the zhouyi text including divinatory contents , literature compilation , layouts of the yi , and the relationship between tortoiseshell divination and yarrow - stalk divination was fully unfolded 在《周易》經典文本的定型過程中, 《周易》文本早期形態在占筮內容、文獻編撰、易類體例以及卜筮關系等諸多方面得以充分展開。

The stilton cheese makers association commissioned an aromatics firm to create eau de stilton , described on the association ' s web site as featuring a “ symphony of natural base notes including yarrow , angelica seed , clary sage and valerian “ 該協會在其網站上描繪說,該香水以“完美融合了西洋蓍草當歸種子香紫蘇和纈草的自然基調”為特色。

The stilton cheese makers association commissioned an aromatics firm to create eau de stilton , described on the association s web site as featuring a “ symphony of natural base notes including yarrow , angelica seed , clary sage and valerian “ 該協會在其網站上描繪說,該香水以“完美融合了西洋蓍草當歸種子香紫蘇和纈草的自然基調”為特色。

This mixture of grasses and yarrow will out - compete the resident weed population , increase water penetration , and improve the microflora and organic matter in our soils 牧草和蓍草混合可以減少雜草的數量,增加水的穿透能力,改善土壤的微生物和有機物質。