
yarn n.1.紗,紗線,毛線;人造絲;塑料絲,金屬絲;繩子。2...

yarn beam

Jute yarns and threads - acceptance inspection regulations 黃麻麻紗線的驗收規定

Production practice of wool - flax blending knitting yarn 毛麻混紡針織紗的生產實踐

Reinforcement yarns . determination of moisture content 增強紗線.濕度含量的測定

Textile glass . yarns . part 1 : designation 紡織玻璃纖維.紗線.第1部分:名稱與符號

He spun a yarn about his adventures in africa 他胡謅了一個他在非洲的冒險故事。

Structure and properties of rotor - spun composite yarns 轉杯紡復合紗的結構與性能

Knit yarn goods - retail manufacturers fortune fashions ltd 紡織造品銷售及制造

Type pleased a public that was growing tired of travel narratives and sea yarns by presenting them with a fresh and exciting situation, couched as autobiography . 《泰皮》給讀者描寫了一個新鮮而富有刺激性的場面,用自傳方式敘述,使看厭了旅游隨筆和海上奇談的讀者,觀感一新。

Properties such as adhesion in the case of tire cords and dyeability in the case of carpet yarns can be affected by the surface composition of the fiber . 因為,諸如輪胎簾子絨的粘附性或地毯紗線的染色性能,都受纖維表面成份的影響。

Properties such as adhesion in the case of tire cords and dyeability in the case of carpet yarns can be affected by the surface composition of the fiber . 諸如輪胎簾子線的粘附性或地毯紗線的染色性能,都受纖維表面成分的影響。

These heavy duty, truly elastomeric yarns are not widely applicable as stretch yarns and therefore are considered to be special end-use yarns . 這些重型的,真正彈性紗不如彈力絲應用廣泛,因此,被視為特殊用途紗線。

This increase in friction is attributed again to an increase in area of contact at the f/m interface by the swollen rayon yarn . 這種摩擦力的增加也是由于FM相交界面粘膠長絲吸濕膨脹引起接觸面積擴大的緣故。

However, modified plain weaves, such as the oxford and basket, can provide greater yarn mobility than do taffeta weaves . 改進的平紋紡織,諸如牛津襯衫布和方塊紡織都比塔夫塔紡織中紗線容易移動。

Hosiery yarns are spun with even less twist to attain maximum bulk consistent with adequate strength for processing . 針織紗被紡成具有更少的捻度,以獲得最大膨松結構,并具有相當強力適于加工。

Another variation is to entrap short segments of a novelty-effect material into regularly plied base yarns . 另一種方法是在有規律合膠的底紗中加入一小段,即一小段能產生花式效應的材料。

It is customary to size the yarn in order to impart the necessary strength and to provide surface protection for the yarn . 經紗上漿一般是為了賦予經紗必要的強度和提供表面保護作用。

It is customary to size the yarn in order to impart the necessary strength and to provide surface protection for the yarn . 通常給經紗上槳是為了賦予經紗必要的強度和提供表面保護。

The combination of effects has been recognized as a major cause of fabric or yarn loss of strength or color retention . 聯合作用,是織物和紗線強力下降以及色度損失的主要因素。

In order to assess the friction of lubricants on multifilament yarns, finish-free yarns are required . 為了評定潤滑劑對復絲紗摩擦所起的作用,要求用不帶整理劑的紗作試驗。