
yarmulke n.猶太人的室內便帽。


Xelloss ' alternate design was inspired by cao pi from dynasty warriors 5 ( the yarmulke is a carryover from the parody christmas picture ) ; i didn ' t really have anything in mind for filia , so i just gave her a haircut and a variation of her funky hat 賽羅斯的人物設計是從《三國無雙》里曹丕的樣式的到靈感的(他戴的圓頂小帽是從圣誕節搞笑圖“借“來的) ?以至于菲麗雅?我沒有太多的主意所以我就只把她的頭發畫的比較短?然后把她的帽子改造了一下。

Four orthodox jewish students color with crayons at school . they wear yarmulkes on their heads and their hair in traditional earlocks 四個正統猶太教的孩子正在學校用彩筆繪畫。在他們的頭上戴著傳統服飾圓頂小帽。

Well , apparently me in a yarmulke 顯然,戴著圓頂小帽的我