
yarmouth n.1.雅茅斯〔加拿大城市〕。2.大雅茅斯〔英國英格蘭東...


Had i now had the sense to have gone back to hull , and have gone home , i had been happy , and my father , an emblem of our blessed saviour s parable , had even kill d the fatted calf for me ; for hearing the ship i went away in was cast away in yarmouth road , it was a great while before he had any assurance that i was not drown d 我一定會非常幸福。我父親也會像耶穌講道中所說的那個喻言中的父親,殺肥牛迎接我這回頭的浪子。因為,家里人聽說我搭乘的那條船在雅茅斯錨地遇難沉沒,之后又過了好久才得知我并沒有葬身魚腹。

The sixth day of our being at sea we came into yarmouth roads ; the wind having been contrary , and the weather calm , we had made but little way since the storm 在大風暴之后,我們的船沒有走多少路,因為盡管天氣晴朗,但卻一直刮著逆風,因此,我們不得不在這海中停泊處拋錨。

The same day of the year that i escaped out of the wreck of that ship in yarmouth rodes , that same day - year afterwards i made my escape from sallee in the boat 其次,我從雅茅斯錨地的沉船中逃出來的那天,也正是后來我從薩累逃跑的那天,同月同日。

Why wert thou not drown d in yarmouth roads 為什么你沒有在雅茅斯港外的錨地中淹死?