
yardmaster 站內車場主任。


Mainland involvement in the vice industry remained problematic with two way permit holders accounting for 73 per cent of all the prostitutes arrested in 2002 as compared to 55 per cent of those arrested in 2001 . a number of proactive anti - vice operations including firelily , bluebird and yardmaster took place to curb mainland prostitutes in the region 二二年,旺角及深水區的色情案件宗數占總區同類罪案數字的絕大部分,而在被捕的娼妓中,持雙程證者由二一年的55 %上升至二二年的73 % 。

Juvenile involvement in crime remained one of the region s policing priorities , with regional police resources working closely with other government departments and non - governmental organisations 總區亦就此展開一連串包括火百合、藍鳥及yardmaster等掃黃行動,以遏止內地娼妓在區內的非法活動。