
yardage n.(立方)碼數;按碼計算。


There is a professional showroom in our shenzhen office and we can provide the fastest handlooms and sample yardages service . we take american four point as our fabric standard , all of our fabrics must pass aatcc test before shipping 我們均有專業的面料展廳和提供最快的打板服務,面料大樣由100碼起定,全部采用美國4分制全程驗貨。

There is a professional showroom in our shenzhen office adn we can provide the fastest handlooms and sample yardages service . we use american four pount as our fabric standard , all of our fabrics must pass aatcc test before shipping 我們均有專業的面料展廳和提供最快的打板服務,面料大樣由100碼起定,全部采用美國4分制全程驗貨。

The result is “ constant distance “ - exceptional yardage , shot after shot 結果是在重復擊球后的“正常距離“ -再增加額外的碼數。

The dress floats out to an extravagant drift of yardage at the hem . 這種衣服在折邊處有以碼計的多余部分向外飄擺著。