
yard n.1.圍場,院子;(學校的)運動場。2.場地;工場,廠...

yard birds

There was no wind, and not a whisper in the old oak tree twenty yards away . 沒有風,二十碼外的那棵老橡樹一點聲息沒有。

A match is sufficient to set ablaze the lumber yard or the oil depot . 要使木材堆放處或石油儲存庫燃燒,一根火柴就夠了。

In designing the houses , space out them from 10 to 20 yards apart . 在設計房屋時,兩座房子之間要留出10碼至20碼的間距。

Spurred on by the competition, norfolk navy yard spent the whole day . 在這一競賽的推動下,諾福克海軍船廠干了一整天。

The civil engineering contractor may need to lay out his own casting yard . 土木工程承包者可能需要設置自己的預制場。

In designing the houses , space out them from 10 to 12 yards apart . 在設計房子時,家與家之間留間隔十至十二碼。

At last he reached the home farm. two men were loitering in the yard . 最后他到了家庭農場。兩個人在院子里徘徊。

They sweated terribly; although they had marched only a few hundred yards . 他們汗出如漿,雖然才走了幾百碼路。

Lini, ten yards in advance, began at once to knock on the door . 林妮跑在前面,約十碼左右,立即上前去敲門。

The masons and slaters have left their work and locked up the yard . 瓦匠們早就散了工,把工作場都上了鎖。

The car was a few yards ahead of him when he reached the road . 當他到馬路上時,汽車在他前面幾碼的地方。

At length he did receive a message from the stone-mason's yard . 后來到底由石廠子那兒,送來了一個信。

I watched grandpa stop under the pine tree in our front yard . 我看到爺爺走到我們前院的松樹下站住。

Out in the yard a woman's hoarse contralto intoned a hymn . 院子里,一個嘶啞的女低音在吟誦贊美詩。

The seventy-five yards of naked field was a nervous crossing . 通過這七十五碼光光的田野真是緊張。

His submarine put in at the brooklyn navy yard overnight . 他的潛艇在布魯克林海軍船塢停了一夜。

We wound off a couple of yards of wire for a new lamp flex . 我們解開幾碼電線作為新的電燈花線。

She went forward a few yards , checked and turned back . 她向前走了幾碼,突然停住腳步又返回來。

In stock yards ammonia is formed by biological degradation . 在畜牧場,氨是由生物降解形成的。