
yap vi.(-pp-)1.(小狗)狂吠,大聲叫。2.大聲罵;...

yap head

Developed into a tropical depression about 240 km west - southwest of yap on the afternoon of 13 june 在六月十三日下午于雅蒲島西南偏西約240公里處發展成為一個熱帶低氣壓。

Developed as a tropical depression about 1 130 km northwest of yap and moved northwestwards 在八月十六日于雅蒲島西北約1130公里處發展成為一個熱帶低氣壓,并向西北移動。

Kevin : yap . soon i ' ll have lots of the green stuff . then i ' ll get a new tv set 凱文:是的。很快的我就會有很多白花花的鈔票。然后我要先為自己添購一臺新的電視機。

Fifi : yap ~ you look terrible ! what ' s wrong with you ? why not get enough sleep ? date a new guy 是喔~你看起來糟糕透啦!怎麼啦?為甚麼睡不夠?跟哪個新男友會

Ben : yap , when you do the push up make sure your chest touches the floor and keep your back traight 嗯~當你做伏地挺身時要確定胸部要碰到地然后保持背部挺直

Formed over the pacific about 840 km west - northwest of yap on 14 november 于十一月十四日在雅蒲島西北偏西約840公里的太平洋上形成,并向西北偏西移動。

Developed as a tropical depression over the pacific about 480 km north of yap 在雅蒲島以北約480公里的太平洋上發展成一個熱帶低氣壓,并向北移動。

Developed over the pacific about 260 km northwest of yap on 31 july 在七月三十一日于雅蒲島西北約260公里的太平洋上形成,并向西北移動。

Developed as a tropical depression about 100 km north of yap on 6 september 在九月六日于雅蒲島以北約100公里處發展成一個熱帶低氣壓。

Yap ! yap ! yap ! yap 都閉嘴!

Shut your yapping 閉上你的鳥嘴

Don ' t keep yapping back at me when you don ' t really know the entire picture 不知道整個真實情況你就別對我哇啦哇啦叫個不停。

Formed over the pacific , about 690 km west - southwest of yap 在雅浦島西南偏西約690公里的太平洋上形成,并向西北緩慢移動。

Who is that ? ? that ' s deng yaping . she is a great ping - pong player 那是誰? ?那是鄧亞萍,她是一名偉大的乒乓球運動員。

My girls keep yapping at me , “ leon , he won ' t share the phone . 我的女孩們不停地向我叫嚷, “利昂,他不肯讓出電話.

David yap general manager , corporate communications community affairs , astro David yap企業傳訊及社區事務總經理

To have a chance to challenge deng yaping to play a game of table tennis 有機會挑戰鄧亞萍打一場乒乓球的話

The writer is a specialist writer of lianhe zaobao . translated by yap gee poh 這是日本所無法掩蓋的丑陋之處。

What are you two yapping about 你們兩個在吵鬧什么?