
yama n.〔梵語〕閻魔,閻羅王。


Patanjali gives eight stages of yoga viz . , yama ( universal moral commandments ) , niyama ( self - purification through discipline ) , asana ( posture ) , pranayama ( breath - control ) , pratyahara ( withdrawal of mind from external objects ) , dharana ( concentration ) , dhyana ( meditation ) and samadhi ( state of super - consciousness ) 帕坦伽利把瑜伽分成八步:控制欲念(普遍道德上的戒律) 、自我約束(通過紀律來自我凈化) 、體式(身體姿勢) 、調息(控制呼吸) 、感官抑制(把思想從外在物體中撤離) 、執持(思想集中) 、禪那(靜坐冥想)和三摩地(超意識的狀態) 。

When a very miserly man nicknamed the “ stingy ghost “ died and went to hell , the yama king reproached him , saying , “ you stingy ghost ! when you were alive , you clung hard to everything and wouldn t give to anyone . even when you saw others in poverty and misery , you refused to offer them help 有一個人很吝嗇,叫吝嗇鬼,他死了以后下地獄,閻羅王罵他說:你這個吝嗇鬼,在塵間的時候什么東西都抓很緊不放,什么人都不給,看到貧窮痛苦的人也不幫助,父母親戚朋友也沒有照顧好,讓他們都挨餓受苦,你這種兇惡的業障,應該被放入滾開的油鍋里面。

We ve heard that after we die , when we go to see the yama king the king of hell , we ll see a mirror that shows the details of our entire life as clearly as we watch television , except that it runs very quickly and in a relaxed way 所以我們聽說當死后去看閻羅王時,那里有一面鏡子能把我們整個輩子的生活像看電視般看得一清二楚,不過很快很輕松。

From chidorigafuchi to kitanomaru park , around 320 cherry blossom trees ranging from someiyoshino ( prunus yedoensis ) to yama - sakura ( prunus yamasakura ) are in full bloom 從千鳥淵到北丸公園一帶,染井吉野和山櫻等共約320棵櫻花競相開放。

The experience ended with him being brought back by the venerable master who went to persuade king yama to let marty come back because marty still had work to do 可是宣公上人把他救回來了,上人說服閻羅王放他回來,因為marty還有事情要辦。

Harmlessness , truth to all beings , abstention from theft , from incontinence and from avarice , constitute yama or the five commandments 不殺生、不妄語、不偷竊,不放縱、不貪求為五大根本戒。

Yama ( or the five commandments ) constitutes the universal duty and is irrespective of race , place , time or emergency 此五大根本律法(自然法則)無論種族、地點、時間和事態發展皆不得更改。

On hearing the cry of the deities of the heaven of the thirty - three , the yama deities took up the cry 聽見三十三天天神的呼叫,夜摩天的天神們也大叫起來。

We are the only yama in hell , and we are also the only truly enlightened buddha 我們是唯一的閻羅王啊!我們也是唯一大開悟的佛。

Yamas and niyamas 戒律和正行: