
wrong adj.(opp. right)1.(道義上)不好的,不...

wrong number

He knew full well that he was wrong . 他完全清楚他是錯了。

It is the first wrong steps that count . 這是開始誤入歧途的,關系重大的步驟。

He takes criticism in the wrong spirit . 他誤會這個批評了。

He had never done any man any wrong . 他從來沒有害過什么人。

Why ask me? you are barking up the wrong tree . 為什么要問我?你找錯對象了。

Don't hedge, what's wrong ? 別模棱兩可了。有什么事出了問題?

You 'll be responsible for anything wrong . 出了事唯你是問。

There is something wrong with the works . 機械裝置出故障了。

You were born on the wrong side of the tracks . 你出身卑下。

I would hate my diary to get into the wrong hands . 我不愿意別人看我的日記。

He was annoyed with me for having said the wrong thing . 他嗔著我說錯了話。

It is wrong to check natural tears . 把本來要淌出來的眼淚硬壓下去是錯誤的。

You are very subdued . what is wrong ? 你情緒很消沉。怎么了?

Have you figured out what is wrong with your car ? 你找出你汽車的毛病了嗎?

Let others judge who is right and who is wrong . 誰是誰非,讓大家來評個理。

“we have wronged each other,“ answered he . “我們彼此害了對方,”他答道。

It seems something wrong about the teletype . 電傳打字電報機好像有點毛病。

Haphazard answers are usually wrong . 隨便的回答往往是不對的。

For once her instincts were wrong . 這一次,她的預感完全錯了。