
wrinkle n.1.(皮膚的)皺褶,皺紋。2.(布等的)皺紋,褶子。...


? ? because every time you do , it wrinkles 因為你每次碰我都把我衣服弄的褶皺了

The wrinkled silk will flatten out if you iron it 發皺的絲綢可以用熨斗燙平。

The old man ' s face was covered in lines and wrinkles 那老人的臉上布滿皺紋和褶子

His skin was irredeemably wrinkled . “ there “看,你的皮膚看起來光彩照人。 ”

Dirty dishes , tears on the wall , smiling wrinkles 臟盤子,墻上的淚,微笑的皺紋。

Got it . don ' t wrinkle your pretty face . . 我知道,你不要板著漂亮的臉蛋嘛. .

The heat from the fire wrinkled the cover of the book 火爐上的熱氣把書皮烤皺了。

Love is overlooking the wrinkles around her eyes 愛是不把她眼角的皺紋放在心上。

And don ' t frown like that . it ' ll give you wrinkles 不要那么皺眉頭,會有皺紋的。

How many ofyou deaden your wrinkles with that crap 你們中有幾個用這垃圾除皺紋

The old man screwed up his face into wrinkles 那老人把臉縮成一團成了皺巴巴的。

She took the mirror under the light so that the test might be more searching, and scrutinized her face for wrinkles and crows-feet, the signs of departing youth . 她把鏡子移到燈光下,以便更徹底地檢視,搜索出自己臉上的皺紋和眼角的魚尾紋,它們是青春逝去的標志。

A smile of triumph gleamed on the hard, wrinkled countenance of the chief, when he found how completely his appeal to the truth-loving hetty had succeeded . 這位酋長看到自己盤問老實的海蒂的計劃成功了,在他那蒼老而布滿皺紋的臉上浮起一絲勝利的微笑。

Yes, there would be a day when his face would be wrinkled and wizen, his eyes dim and colorless, the grace of his figure broke and deformed . 對,將來總有一天他的臉龐會起皺和萎縮,他的眼睛會朦朧無光,他那優雅的軀體會屈曲變形。

Phoenix only looked above her head, there was sweat on her face, the wrinkles in her skin shone like a bright net . 菲尼克斯僅是把眼光盯著她頭頂上方,臉上淌著汗水,皮膚上的皺紋亮晶晶地如同一張閃光的網。

There was a glow on his face , wrinkled by a life time of suffering , that inspired one with a feeling of unshakable optimism . 他那飽經風霜的多皺的臉上發著光彩,使人產生一種樂觀的感覺。

His hair was thin, his moustache grey, his skin loose and wrinkled over a face that might once have been strong . 他頭發稀疏,胡子灰白,皮肉松弛,那曾經很豐滿的臉膛上布滿了皺紋。

Mrs. peniston was a small plump woman, with a colorless skin lined with trivial wrinkles . 彭尼頓太太是位矮胖的女人,蒼白的臉龐上布滿細小的皺紋。

She slipped from mammy's arms and, reaching up, patted the wrinkled black face . 她從嬤嬤懷抱里抽出一條臂膀來,伸上去拍拍嬤嬤的打皺的黑面頰。