wretched adj.1.不幸的;悲慘的;可憐的。2.卑劣的;惡劣的,...
adj. 1.不幸的;悲慘的;可憐的。 2.卑劣的;惡劣的,實在不行的;十分討厭的。 短語和例子a wretched life 悲慘的生活。 a wretched horse 不成樣子的瘦馬。 a wretched inn 糟糕不堪的旅館。 a wretched joke 令人作嘔的玩笑(話)。 adv. -ly “mmiser= wretched“ 中文翻譯: 表示“可憐的”“wretched anurid“ 中文翻譯: 污劣駑蛙“break the wretched cycle“ 中文翻譯: 打破惡性循環“looking uncared for wretched or forsaken“ 中文翻譯: 似無人管理的“what wretched weather“ 中文翻譯: 該死的天氣“wretchd as a stray cur“ 中文翻譯: 累累如喪家犬“wretchedly“ 中文翻譯: 差勁地; 可憐地“wretch“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.不幸的人,苦命的人;倒霉的人。 2.卑劣的人,無恥的人,壞人。 3.〔戲謔語〕(可愛的)家伙。 a wretch of a child 可憐的孩子。 You wretch! 你這個卑鄙家伙! “wretchedness“ 中文翻譯: 可憐悲慘“wretblad“ 中文翻譯: 弗雷特布拉德“wretensjo“ 中文翻譯: 弗雷滕舍“wret“ 中文翻譯: 弗雷特“wretfors“ 中文翻譯: 弗雷特福什“wrestplank veneer“ 中文翻譯: 扣弦板外飾片
wrick |
Leave my castle alone , you wretched tin man 離開我的城堡,你這個骯臟的錫兵。 |
Sonya , how happy i am , and how wretched 她說, “索尼婭,我多么幸福,又多么不幸! |
Those impelled by fruitive results are wretched 被利益心態所驅使的人們是可悲的。 |
They stink , they ' re hairy , and they look wretched 他們臭哄哄的毛又多真討人厭 |
Your god is a ruffian at a cockfight, drinking in the bloodiness, laughing because the wretched birds, in their faintness, stagger ridiculously . 你的上帝是個斗雞場的惡棍,嗜血成性,喜歡欣賞那些不幸的鳥類斗得疲弱不堪,跌跌撞撞的可笑模樣,并為此而開懷大笑。 |
Is mr. heathcliff out? i inquired perceiving that wretched creature had no power to sympathize with his cousin's mental tortures . 希刺克厲夫先生出去了么?我看出來這個下賤的東西沒有力量同情他表姐心靈上所受到的折磨,便盤問著。 |
She longed to open her wretched, wretched heart, so hopeless, so abandoned by all living things, to one who had loved her once . 她平時一直希望對這個曾經愛過她的人剖開她辛酸又辛酸的心懷--這樣絕望,又這樣為世人所鄙棄。 |
Fred felt that he made a wretched figure as a fellow who bragged about expectations from a queer old miser like feather-stone . 弗萊德覺得他實在是自討苦吃,當初拚命吹牛,把費瑟斯通這種古怪的守財奴的遺產當做靠山。 |
If a wretched man has a vice, it shows itself in the lines of his mouth, and droop of his eyelids, the molding of his hands even . 如果哪個倒霉蛋犯了罪,罪行會在他口邊的紋路,下垂的眼瞼甚至手的形狀上顯示出來。 |
I have passed a wretched night in endeavouring to excuse a conduct which can scarcely be called less than insulting . 我痛苦地度過了一整夜,力求找到一種理由,來解釋你那種幾乎可以叫做污辱的行為。 |
His fore finger, projecting from the sleeve of his coat, pointed up to the wretched little creature on the pole . 他從大衣袖筒里伸出食指,指著趴在電桿頂上的那個可憐的小東西。 |
He was a kindhearted gentleman, and was distressed to see dick in such a wretched condition at his doorway . 他是個心地善良的紳士,見他家門口的迪克處境如此狼狽,心里很難過。 |
I will obey you like your wretched slave, even if it is to lie down and die . 那我一定象你一個卑微可憐的奴隸一樣,絕對地服從你,就是你叫我倒地不起,舍身送命,我也不違背你。 |
Here, in the wretched room, her father's moaning was the dominant note and seemed irrefutable . 在這間慘淡的屋子里,她父親的呻吟訴苦蓋過了一切,而且似乎是不容置辯的。 |
How can it be for vernon's good to quit an easy pleasant home for the wretched profession of literature ? 離開一個舒適安逸的家去過可悲的文學生涯對維農會有什么好處? |
I have been so happy to possess you, and am now so wretched as to be forced to fly from you . 我從前是這么有福氣,居然得到了你,現在是這么不幸,不得不從你跟前逃去。 |
You are more affected over the death of a wretched dog than you have ever been over a pain of mine . 一只可憐的狗使你變成這個樣,而我的痛苦從來沒有使你如此傷感。 |
Our guide, who by the way was a wretched faint-hearted fellow, bid us keep in a ready posture . 我們的帶路人(他原來是一個膽小如鼠的可憐蟲)囑咐我們做好準備。 |
“play not with me,“ mourned the wretched woman; “kill me, and let there be an end. “ “不要戲弄我,”那個可憐的姑娘嗚咽著,“你殺了我吧!一了百了還痛快點!” |