
wrest vt.1.(用力)擰,扭;扭奪,奪取,搶去(武器等) (...


The 83 - year - old leader , who wrested power from his opponent j . jayalalithaa in the elections , also promised rice at 2 rupees ( 2 . 3 pence ) per kg for the poor 現年83歲的卡魯納尼迪擊敗競選對手獲得競選成功,他同樣還承諾說將為貧民把每公斤的米價降至2盧布(約合2 . 3便士) 。

The 83 - year - old leader , who wrested power from his opponent j . jayalalithaa in the elections , also promised rice at 2 rupees 2 . 3 pence per kg for the poor 現年83歲的卡魯納尼迪擊敗競選對手獲得競選成功,他同樣還承諾說將為貧民把每公斤的米價降至2盧布約合2 . 3便士。

It is only in chance cases , where a fortune or a state of success is wrested from them , that the lack of ability to do as they did formerly becomes apparent 只是在一些偶爾的情況下,當他們的財產或成功的處境被剝奪時,才會明顯地看出他們已經缺少過去的那種經營能力。

I wish to bury it during my whole life in my own bosom , but your brother maximilian wrested it from me by a violence he repents of now , i am sure . 上帝作證,我本來希望終生保留這個秘密,但你的內兄瑪西米蘭用過火的語言逼我講了出來,他現在一定后悔當時的舉動。 ”

These , in their turn , cursed back at the blind miscreant , threatened him in horrid terms , and tried in vain to catch the stick and wrest it from his grasp 這些人,輪番地咒罵這個瞎了眼的惡棍,惡言惡語威脅他,還徒勞地試圖抓住那個根子,從他的掌握下奪過來。

They spent part of monday morning at a firehouse near the site before traveling to the field near shanksville , pennsylvania , where 40 people died after wresting control of hijacked plane 那里是乘客與劫機的恐怖分子進行搏斗之后墜毀導致40人喪生的地方。

There are subterranean disturbances , too , in the house as well , like angers which might come to face you , like stern beings who would like to wrest confessions 還有無窮的不安,在房子里面,就象你要面對的憤怒,就象那些渴望得到他人坦白的不茍言笑的人。

Luis marden , scuba diver wrests a jar perhaps a thousand years old from the murk of a cenote , or ceremonial well in the late 1950s 路易斯?馬登, 1950年代后期,帶水下呼吸器的潛水員費盡九牛二虎之力從黑暗的灰巖坑中挖出一個可能有1000年歷史的罐子。

After years of trying to wrest a living from the infertile acres he had inherited , he finally gave up the fight and turned to catering for tourists 在他繼承的幾畝荒地上曾賣力多年想藉此謀生卻失敗后,他轉而從事旅游業的膳宿生意。

My son is recovering now , but i am still too close to his illness to understand fully what lessons i can learn , what meaning i can wrest , from this experience 如果我也遵循了這些規則,我也許就向恐懼投降了,也會使我的孩子失望。

I have no right to interfere . but if you come to me , i will absolutely be nice to you . affectionate feelings can not be gained through wresting 我跟利利說了,利利很為難,我們交往已經四年了,我對利利已經有了很深的感情。

With wayne rooney still suffering from a broken foot , england ' s dreams of success in germany could wrest on owen ' s ability to hit the net 魯尼依然受著腳傷的困擾,英格蘭在德國成功的夢想可能要寄希望于歐文的進球能力了。

Will they wrest from us , from me the palm of beauty ? - and the sense of property , stephen said . he drew shylock out of his own long pocket “還有對財產的意識, ”斯蒂芬說, “他把夏洛克從他自己的長口袋361里拽了出來。

It was an attempt to use tools usually reserved for corporations in developed economies to wrest profit from their distributors 這一行動意在利用通常為發達國家的公司所保留的手段,從經銷商手中爭奪一部分利潤。

He was like the emperor of china , who sat glorying in himself , unaware that his fairest provinces were being wrested from him 他就像中國皇帝坐在庭上自鳴得意,不知道他的最好的省份已被人奪去了。

Where fallen archangels flung the stars of their brows . muddy swinesnouts , hands , root and root , gripe and wrest them 滿是泥濘的豬鼻子啊,手啊,又是拱,又是掘,把它們緊緊攥住,吃力地弄到手里。

Meanwhile , growing numbers of countries in which international oil companies operate are wresting back control over the projects 同時,越來越多有國際石油公司作業的國家,正奪回對項目的控制權。

In 1941 , mussolini desperately wants to wrest the tiny island of malta from the british for control of the mediterranean 墨索里尼不惜一切要從英軍手上奪取小島馬爾他,以控制地中海。

She seemed a thorough master of her mood - thoroughly confident and determined to wrest all control from him 她似乎鎮定自若-充滿著自信和決心要從他手中奪去一切控制權。