
wren n.1.雷恩〔姓氏〕。2.〔英口〕英國皇家海軍婦女服務隊...


Co - ordinator richard bashford said : “ the interest has been fantastic . “ house sparrows are still the most common bird in britain , despite a 56 per cent fall in their numbers since 1979 . less usual species such as greenfinches and wrens have increased 67 per cent and 140 per cent respectively , the january study found 調查發現,家麻雀仍是英國最普通的鳥類,盡管自1979年以來它的數量已經減少了56一些不太常見的鳥,如綠黃色科的鳴鳥和鷦鷯等的數量分別增加了67和140此外,畫眉的數量也有所增加。

The third part analyzed the current situation and problems of ccsasd . it contains the analysis about wrens situation of college students “ awareness of sustainable development , carnet situation of ccsasd , and main factors influencing the cultivation of college students “ awareness of sustainable development 第三部分分析了大學生可持續發展意識培養現狀和問題。分析了大學生可持續發展意識的現狀和大學生可持續發展意識培養現狀,以及影響大學生可持續發展意識培養的因素。第四部分論述了大學生可持續發展意識培養的對策與途徑。

The early years of the samaritan movement he founded were centred on the dank , gloomy crypt of a beautiful christopher wren church , st stephen walbrook , a stone ' s - throw from the bank of england in the city of london 他興起的早年撒瑪利亞運動主要集中于一所美麗的克里斯托夫-雷恩教堂的陰冷潮濕的地窖里,這里離倫敦城的英國銀行僅一步之遙。

The tall and phlegmatic lord ingram leans with folded arms on the chair - back of the little and lively amy eshton ; she glances up at him , and chatters like a wren : she likes him better than she does mr . rochester 高大冷漠的英格拉姆勛爵,抱著雙肩,斜倚在小巧活潑的艾米.埃希頓的椅背上。她抬頭看著他,像鷦鷯似的嘰嘰喳喳。

On the mornings that had once throbbed with the dawn chorus of robins , catbirds , doves , jays , wrens , and scores of other bird voices there was now no sound 清晨,知更,貓鳥,野鴿,松鴉,鷦鷯,還有各種其它鳥聲曾經在黎明時分形成大合唱,出現一派勃勃生機的清晨,現在已是毫無聲息了。

Boris calls me down to be introduced . he is rubbing his hands , like a pawnbroker . they are talking about a story mr . wren wrote , a story about a spavined horse 鮑里斯叫我下來好介紹我同他們認識,他搓著雙手,像個開當鋪的。他們正在談雷恩先生寫的一個故事,一匹破馬的故事。

Those that gave money to the boys would receive a feather from the wren as thanks . the collected money was then used to host a village dance 那些給錢的人將會從男孩子們那里得到一根鷦鷯毛作為答謝。孩子們籌集到的這些錢將被用來舉辦一個鄉村舞會。

“ there ' s droppings everywhere , “ patrick wren , the head of torrance ' s animal control department , said wednesday . “ i ' m wearing a mask 近日,美國加利福尼亞州動物管理人員發現當地一男子在家中為一只鴿子做手術,而所使用的麻醉劑竟是一杯伏特加。

43 in truth , a wren needs only a twig to build its nest in forest ; how much water does a mole can drink ? a skinful of water at most 老實說,鷦鷯在森林中筑巢, ?只需要一根小樹枝就夠了;偃鼠喝水,最多就是一肚子, ?又能喝多少?

At last one morning i spotted a rusty oval - shaped bird with the characteristic long beak of a wren and that tipped - up tail 終于在一天早上,我察覺到了一只褐色卵石狀的鳥,長著很有特色如鷦鷯般的長嘴和翹起的尾巴。

The gold and red sassafras leaves surrounding our house declared it was too late for a house wren to remain in michigan 環繞我們房子的金黃色和紅色的檫樹葉子說明,一只家養鷦鷯再繼續停留在密歇根州已為時太晚了。

For under a dollar , there were interventions that could save lives that just wren ' t being delivered 那些價格還不到一美元的救命的藥劑,并沒有送到他們的手中。

Who ' ll bear the pall ? we , said the wren , both the cock and the hen , we ' ll bear the pall 誰來扶棺?是我們,鷦鷯說,還有公雞和母雞,我們將扶棺。

Who ' ll bear the pall ? we , said the wren , both the cock and the hen , we ' ll bear the pall 誰來拉上棺罩?我們,鷦鷯說,夫婦倆一起,我們來拉上棺罩。

The talk drifts . it is difficult to follow mr . wren ' s mind because he says nothing 話題在變換,很難了解雷恩先生在想什么,因為他不說話。

The wren , the wren , 鷦鷯啊,鷦鷯啊,

Unfortunately his latest squeeze , known as wren , is a video artist 然而不幸的是,他最近結識的女子雷恩卻是一位視頻藝術家。

Wren had one the other day at the auction but a lady s 雷恩80上次拍賣的時候倒是有過一輛,不過是女車。

A little mystery : the pygmy wren babbler 神秘小不點:小鷦眉鳥