
wrecker n.1.使船只失事的人,劫掠失事船貨物者;破壞者。2.營...


Dire pithi wrecker , plunderer as well as dire guristas wrecker and plunderer were having orbit range problems for guns and missile . this has been fixed 修正了災難波希肇事者、災難波希豪奪者、可怕的古斯塔肇事者的導彈環繞距離錯誤。

Dancemaker , the wrecker s ball and speaking in tongues are all available on home video . from media “ the american spirit soars whenever taylor s dancers dance . 美國味時尚感文化感極強的,融欣賞娛樂于一體的當今世界舞蹈名團。

“ i have been careless , and so have been thwarted by luck and chance , those wreckers of all but the best - laid plans “我一直都很粗心大意,運氣也不佳,盡管計劃周密,卻一再受挫。

Choi is a home wrecker 催紅是一個地道的垃圾

Has to change or they might think it a house . wreckers 非這么旋轉不可,不然的話,會以為它是一幢房子。

She ' s a home wrecker , a total psycho 一個狐貍精一個變態狂

Grady , you are a home - wrecker 格蘭迪,你又在挑撥家庭是非了

We detest with horror the duplicity and villainy of the murderous hyenas of bukharinite wreckers . 我們非常憎恨布哈林那幫兩面三刀、殺人破壞,干盡壞事的豺狼。