
wreckage n.(船只等的)失事,遭難;破壞;破滅;毀壞;破片;難船...


U . s . embassy spokesman confirmed the crash , and news footage showed scenes of burning wreckage 美國大使館發言人證實了飛機墜毀的消息,新聞片段也顯示了殘骸燃燒的現場。

Fire fighters recovered three bodies from the wreckage of a still burning sugar refinery in georgia 在喬治亞州一家食糖煉制廠仍有余火的廢墟中,消防員發現了三具尸體。

Fire fighters recovered three bodies from the wreckage of a still burning sugar refinery in georgia 佐治亞州一間糖精煉廠失事,消防員從燃燒著的廢墟中發掘出三具尸體。

Just minutes after the crash , bloody passengers stumbled away from the burning wreckage looking for help 在事故幾分鐘后,流血乘客跌跌撞撞地離開殘骸中尋求幫助。

Nobody was allowed near the wreckage of the plane , even those with press cards were waved away 任何人都不準接近飛機殘骸,甚至連那些攜有記者證的也被拒絕。

Nobody was allowed near the wreckage of the plane . even those with press cards were waved away 不讓任何人走近飛機殘骸,甚至連持記者證的人也不讓前去觀看。

Investigator is searching the wreckage of the plane to try and find the cause of the tragedy 調查人員在飛機殘骸中搜索,希望找出造成這一悲慘事件的原因。

Investigators are searching the wreckage of the plane to try and find the cause of the tragedy 調查人員在飛機殘骸中搜索,希望找出造成這一悲慘事件的原因

Nobody was allowed near the wreckage of the plane . even those with press cards were waved off 不許任何人靠近飛機殘骸,甚至連持記者證的人也被趕開了。

Dumbledore moved carefully into the middle of the room , scrutinizing the wreckage at his feet 鄧布利多小心地走到屋子中間,仔細觀察著腳邊的破碎殘片。

When the rescue brigade came to the accident spot , they only found some airplane wreckage 1當救援隊感到出事地點時,他們只找到一些飛機殘骸。

Search crews are still hunting through the wreckage of the jetliner which was carrying 155 people 搜尋者仍在載有155名乘客的飛機殘骸中搜尋。

Two aircraft collided in mid air and pieces of wreckage landed all over the shop 兩架飛機在半空中相撞,殘骸撒得遍地都是。

You can live in the wreckage and pretend it ' s still the mansion you remember 你可以站在廢墟前,假裝這仍是你記憶中的大廈

Federal investigator left a skeleton crew to analyze the plane wreckage 聯邦調查員留下精干人員來分析飛機的殘片。

They used magnetic and radar devices to explore for buried wreckage 他們使用磁場和雷達儀器搜索被埋的殘骸。

Rescuers continue to dig through the wreckage looking for survivors 救援人員繼續從殘骸中挖掘尋找幸存者。

Rescuers continue to dig through the wreckage looking for survivors 救援人員還將繼續在殘骸中尋找幸存者。

Rescuers continue to dig through the wreckage looking for survivors 營救人員仍在殘害中挖掘尋找幸存者。