
wreathe vt.1.把(花等)編成花圈;編扎(花圈);用花圈裝飾[...


Just where she had paused , the brook chanced to form a pool , so smooth and quiet that it reflected a perfect image of her little figure , with all the brilliant picturesqueness of her beauty , in its adornment of flowers and wreathed foliage , but more refined and spiritualised than the reality 就在她停下腳步的地方,小溪恰好聚成一個池塘,水面平靜而光滑,把珠兒那小小的身影完滿地映硯出來:她腰纏嫩枝編的花帶,使她的美貌絢麗如畫,比本人還要精美,更象仙女。

Above the temples , amidst wreathed turban folds of black drapery , vague in its character and consistency as cloud , gleamed a ring of white flame , gemmed with sparkles of a more lurid tinge . this pale crescent was the likeness of a kingly crown ; what it diademed was the shape which shape had none 在兩鬢之上,黑色纏頭布的皺裥中,射出了一圈如云霧般變幻莫測的白熾火焰,鑲嵌著紅艷艷的火星,這蒼白的新月是“王冠的寫真” ,為“無形之形”加冕。

They were fresh now as a succession of april showers and gleams , followed by a lovely spring morning , could make them : the sun was just entering the dappled east , and his light illumined the wreathed and dewy orchard trees and shone down the quiet walks under them 四月里持續不斷晴雨交替的天氣,以及緊隨的春光明媚的早晨,使這些花草鮮艷無比。太陽正進入光影斑駁的東方,陽光照耀著花滿枝頭露水晶瑩的果樹,照亮了樹底下幽靜的小徑。

A writhing horror twisted itself across his features , like a snake gliding swiftly over them , and making one little pause , with all its wreathed intervolutions , in open sight 他的面孔上掠過一陣痛苦的恐怖,象是一條蛇在上面迅速蜿蜒,因稍停片刻,而使那盤踞的形體清晰可見。

When opening the door he underwent an amazing transformation . his tanned face was wreathed in smiles and he hugged his two small children and gave his wife a kiss 開門的時候,他頓時變成了另外一個人,曬黑的臉上綻放著笑容。他抱了抱兩個年幼的孩子,并吻了妻子一下。

Chang s splendid physical specimen is often subject to a regime of trials : chops and cuts , tortures , quartering and disembowelment , wreathing in pain and blood before they finally die 他們又經常捱斬受酷刑五馬分尸盤腸大戰,血淋淋地痛苦掙扎,而至死亡。

For smoke , which is the london ivy , had so wreathed itself round peffer ' s name , that the affectionate parasite quite overpowered the parent tree 因為濃霧? ?倫敦的長春藤,早已把佩弗的名字繚繞起來,這種癡情的寄生植物,竟然壓倒了它的母樹。

Deep in the heart of china , the hilly riverside city of chongqing is burning with ambition and wreathed in a shroud of smog 重慶,這座深在中國內陸、依山就水的城市,正為他的巨大野心所煎熬,而這一切在濃重的霧氣環繞中若隱若現。

The girls chose their flowers , wreathed themselves , and danced in the twilight 女孩子們挑選了花朵,用花環打扮自己,然后在黃昏時跳舞。

Wreathed hand - rail 扭彎扶手

The flowers that wreathed his parlor stifled him with their sensuous perfume 包圍著客廳的花以其刺激人的香味使他窒息。

The flower that wreathe his parlor stifle him with their sensuous perfume 包圍著客廳的花以其刺激人的香味使他窒息。

Mist wreathed the hilltops 云霧繚繞在山頭。

Mist wreathed the hilltops 山頂上薄霧環繞。

Mist wreathes the hilltops of mt . laozi , rosy clouds float on the canal 老子山頭云霧繞,運河閘畔彩霞浮。

He has a pretty wreathed in smiles 他有一張含笑漂亮的臉。

They put some wreathes on the ground 他們把一些花環放在地上。

The snake wreathed itself round the branch 那條蛇盤繞在樹枝上

The local people used to wreathe the guest ' s head in leaves 當地人過去常把樹葉纏在賓客的頭上。