
wreath n.(pl. wreaths )1.花環,花冠,花圈。2...


The wreaths sweet are the sweets 全場一致通過。

Beneath ( underneath ) the wreath the deaf man near death is out of breath 花環下面那個快要死的聾子喘不過氣來。

He laid a wreath at ground zero where the world trade center once stood 他在世貿中心原址災難現場敬獻了花圈。

The jasmine wreath that you wove me thrills to my heart like praise 你編織的茉莉花環像一種榮耀,震撼了我的心

I sat at my open window with a fresh wreath on my loose hair 我坐在打開的窗口,把新編的花環,戴在蓬松的頭發上

A wreath at christmas signified a home that celebrated to birth of christ 圣誕的花環表示的是耶穌誕生的家。

It loses its wreath of foam when poured into that of others 一倒在別人的杯里,這酒的騰跳的泡沫便要消失了。

Stowing in the wreaths probably 大概是在裝花圈哪。

A group of students placed a wreath at the tomb of the national hero 一群學生在那位民族英雄墓前獻上花圈。

In the early games , a crowned wreath was the highest honor 在古代運動會里,頭戴勝利的冠冕,是最大的榮耀。

A group of student placed a wreath at the tomb of the national hero 一群學生在那位民族英雄墓前獻上花圈。

I sat at my open window with a fresh wreath on my loose hair 我在散發上戴上新鮮的花串,坐在洞開的窗前。

She laid a wreath on his grave 她放一個花圈在他的墓上。

Why don ' t you buy yourself a wreath 你可以給自己買個花圈

Midsummer herbs are plaited in wreaths and included in bouquets 仲夏草木被編進花冠、擺放到花束里。

It loses its wreath of foam when poured into that of others 一倒進別人的杯里,酒泡沫花環便消失了。

A mass of wreaths covered the graves 兒子的墓地放滿了鮮花。

Backed xiongxian county wreath at the base in tianjin spent widening 背靠雄縣花圈、天津拉花基地。

I ordered a wreath from the florist 我從花店定購了一個花冠。