
wrath n.1.憤怒,激怒。2.報仇雪恥;懲罰;【宗教】神譴,天...


Pete , you remember my remake of the grapes of wrath 彼得,還記得我拍的《憤怒的葡萄》嗎

The tygers of wrath are wiser than the horses of instruction 憤怒的虎比說教的馬更聰明。

Her wrath would never wreak itself in one fell blow 她不會讓她的怒氣一古腦兒發泄出來。

“ sing o goddess , the wrath of achilles . . . “女神唱著,阿基里斯的憤怒. . .

“ my wrath is as deadly as natural one . 我的怒氣與大自然的一樣致命。

And he went away from pharaoh burning with wrath 于是,摩西氣忿忿地離開法老,出去了。

Mr . higginbotham s voice and wrath began to rise 希金波坦先生發起脾氣來,提高了嗓門。

All those that oppose the eldar shall fear my wrath 但凡觸犯靈族之人,兼將嘗余怒火!

They will face my wrath , as queen of babylon 就要面對我? ?巴比倫女王的怒火

The wrath of the white father in washington rained down 華盛頓白人父親的憤怒大量下降

Because of these , the wrath of god is coming 6因這些事,神的忿怒必臨到那悖逆之子。

Therefore i will also deal with them in wrath 18因此,我也要在忿怒中行事。

Let not the sun go down on your wrath 不要在生氣中讓太陽下山。 /今日氣,今日息。

And we strayed from the path of our rigorous wrath 就讓往事如煙向軟弱說再見

Feel the wrath of my dick , fucking layabouts 我憤怒了,你們這幫游手好閑的豬

Because of this , the wrath of the lord is upon you 因此耶和華的忿4怒臨到你。

His labor ' s fruit a holy wrath incurred 他的行為觸怒了上帝,因為違背了他的旨意。

By their sin they provoked the wrath of the people 他們因犯罪而激起人民的憤怒。

Thus shall there arise too much contempt and wrath 從此必大開藐視和忿怒之端。