
wrap vt.(wrapped, wrapt ; wrappin...


“ packaging “ is the material used to wrap and protect products sold in shops or sent through the post . “包裝”是保護或包裹商店出售的或郵遞的商品的材料。

There was old man grady wrapped up in gunny sacks snug as a bug in a rug and talking in his sleep . 老葛雷狄全身裹著厚麻袋,非常舒適地躺在那里,說著夢話。

Mrs. youse was carrying a valuable sapphire ring wrapped in a handkerchief in her purse . 尤斯太太拿的手提包內放著一只裹在手帕里的貴重藍寶石戒指。

Wrap the proper-size cuff around the right arm and hold the arm level with the heart . 用大小合適的袖套帶包裹右上臂,使上臂與心臟的高度相同。

I estimated that it would take us another “forty-eight to seventy-two hours“ to wrap it up . 我估計還需要再用“四十八到七十二小時”才能完成。

As introduction day approached, the dealers would keep their new cars under wraps . 在臨近介紹樣車之日時,承銷商會把他們新車嚴密地裹起來。

Before me was a catafalque, on which rested a corpse wrapped in funeral vestments . 一個靈柩臺出現在我面前,上面躺著一個裹著葬服的尸體。

I observed that they were both wrapped in cloaks, and appeared to conceal themselves . 我察覺他倆都包裹在外套里面,似乎有意隱藏自己。

One method of reducing heat loss is to wrap the baby in an insulating material . 減少熱量損失的方法之一是用絕熱材料來包裹嬰兒。

A sales clerk counts out and wraps up just the number of cigarettes a customer wants . 店員把顧客想要的卷煙一支支數出來包好。

Here is something hard, wrapped in cloth, that may belong to your idols . 看這布里包著什么硬東西,也許和你說的這些神像有關。

A person who is wrapped up in himself is a poor company, and has few friends . 以我為中心的人是乏味的伙伴,他沒有幾個朋友。

Andrey had taken off his heavy coat and was wrapping it around his left arm . 安德烈脫下他的厚上衣,正抱它卷起來裹在左臂。

Why do you eat sticky rice wrapped up in bamboo leaves on dragon boat day ? 為什么你們在端午節吃用竹葉包的糯米飯呢?

Your future is not entirely wrapped up in your passing this examination . 你的前途并不完全決定于你這場考試能否及格。

The spy was kept under wraps and not allowed to talk to newspapermen . 那間諜受到嚴密控制,不許他對記者談話。

She wrapped round her a long red woolen cravat, and open the door . 她圍好一條紅色的長呢圍脖,然后打開房門。

One old magpie began wrapping itself up very carefully . 一只老喜鵲非常小心地用羽毛裹緊自己的身體。

Yes , i will buy them for presents , please wrap them up nicely . 我買這些做禮品,請包扎美觀一點。